www.diariodorock.com.br: Traduza\\ OZZY OSBOURNE's 'Crazy Train' Chosen As The Campaign Theme For CHARLIE SHEEN Roast
"Satan laughs as you eternally rot!"

2 de set. de 2011

Traduza\\ OZZY OSBOURNE's 'Crazy Train' Chosen As The Campaign Theme For CHARLIE SHEEN Roast

According to AdAge.com, Comedy Central has chosen OZZY OSBOURNE's "Crazy Train" to be the campaign theme for its upcoming "Comedy Central Roast Of Charlie Sheen". Sheen, who subsequently agreed to appear in a handful of TV ads as the conductor of said "Crazy Train", also had his fictional alter ego on "Two And A Half Men" killed off by a moving train.

"It was one of those moments as a marketer where you just feel like the universe is unfolding as it should and aligning perfectly," Walter Levitt, Comedy Central's executive vice president of marketing, said. "When we started working on the campaign, the notion of making the song 'Crazy Train' the centerpiece was one where we knew we had something when we heard it."

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