28 de mai. de 2013
RUMOURS\\ Limp Bizkit no Brasil 2013: show em São Paulo no Monsters Of Rock
Novas informações em breve.
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27 de mai. de 2013
MEDA \\ Dia de Fúria: assista Geoff Tate arrancando celular da mão de fã
No último dia 17, em St. Charles, Illinois [EUA], a versão do alemão GEOFF TATE para o QUEENSRYCHE estava se apresentando no Arcada Theater quando um incidente deveras desagradável ocorreu.
Diferentemente do que acontece com a versão da banda que tem TODD LA TORRE como vocalista – que pega celulares das mãos dos fãs para ajudá-los a registra imagens de um show antes de devolver o aparelho a eles – o controverso frontman deu mais uma demonstração de seu já conhecido descontrole emocional e sacou um telefone de um pagante, para então arremessá-lo aleatoriamente na plateia.
Testemunhe o lamentável episódio na marca de 10’16” do vídeo acima.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:36 AM 1 comentários
RUMOURS\\ Metallica: Shows em São Paulo e Belo Horizonte?
De acordo com o site Rock Express, o Metallica já teria acertado, além do Rock in Rio, apresentações no mês de setembro nas cidades de São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. Se confirmados, datas, horários e local devem ser anunciados em breve.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:58 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE: 'P.O.W.' Video Released
Welsh metallers BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE will release their brand new single, "P.O.W.", on June 17. A video for the track an be seen below. The song is the third single taken from their critically acclaimed fourth album, "Temper Temper", and follows on from the previous singles, "Temper Temper" and "Riot", both of which were A-listed by BBC Radio 1.
Having completed sold-out tours of the Australia, Europe and America, the band will return to the U.K. in June where they will be second headliners on the main stage at Download festival on Friday, June 14. The band will also make a special announcement that afternoon at Download.
"Temper, Temper" sold 44,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 13 on The Billboard 200 chart. The CD arrived in stores on February 12 via RCA.
BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE's previous effort, 2010's "Fever", opened with 71,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at No. 3. It was also a Top 10 release in the U.K., Japan, Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany and Switzerland.
The Welsh quartet changed the way they approached making an album this time around, with guitarist/vocalist Matt Tuck and drummer Michael "Moose" Thomas traveling to Thailand to do the initial writing and recording for the album. Tuck told The Pulse Of Radio why they made the trip. "It was just nice being in a studio 24/7, really, you know, with no distractions from home and stuff," he said. "So that was kind of the main reason why we went there and it just worked out well, you know, because we didn't have any pressures from having to travel, having to cook your own food — just all the stuff that is an everyday process obviously takes a lot of time out of the day to be creative. So just being there, being able to write 24/7, was a huge advantage."
BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE recently headlined the fifth edition of the "HardDrive Live" tour, which kicked off on April 12 in Denver. Joining them were main support HALESTORM, plus special guests YOUNG GUNS and openers STARS IN STEREO. The trek was sponsored by "HardDrive".
Marcadores: BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:54 AM 0 comentários
MEDA \\ Stratovarius: baixista animando São Paulo com o hit "Que Porra!"
Umas das figuras mais carismáticas que ganhou espaço na banda foi o baixista Lauri Porra. O STRATOVARIUS se apresentou em São Paulo no dia 18 de maio e todo brasileiro que se preze, não deixaria passar aquela piadinha com o sobrenome do baixista, "Porra". Através do palavrão mais dito na língua portuguesa, o público foi a loucura quando o músico apresentou sua mais nova canção solo "Que Porra!". Em ritmo brasileiro, Lauri encantou o público com seu solo bem animado, confira.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:53 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ LODY KONG Featuring MAX CAVALERA's Sons: 'Monkeys Always Look' Video Released
"Monkeys Always Look", the first –ever video from LODY KONG, can be seen below. The clip was animated and directed by Joey Nugent and filmed on location in beautiful downtown Phoenix, Arizona.
LODY KONG features in its ranks Max Cavalera's (SOULFLY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, SEPULTURA) sons Zyon (on drums) and Igor (on vocals and guitar). The band, which is rounded out by John Bauer (guitar) and Shanks Fahey (bass), has toured worldwide as part of the "Maximum Cavalera Tour" with SOULFLY and INCITE, the latter of which is fronted by Zyon and Igor's half-brother — and Max's stepson — Richie.
"Monkeys Always Look" comes off LODY KONG debut EP, "No Rules", which was produced by Roy Mayorga (current STONE SOUR and former SOULFLY drummer).
Zyon laid down the drum tracks on the forthcoming SOULFLY album after joining the band as its touring drummer for its recent rampage through North America.
Zyon previously played with SOULFLY during the band's tour of Brazil in February 2012.
It is Zyon's unborn heartbeat that can be heard during the intro of SEPULTURA's classic song "Refuse/Resist", which appeared on the band's RIAA-gold-certified "Chaos A.D." album, released three years before Max's departure from the group.
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, LODY KONG
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24 de mai. de 2013
The Friday Night Rock Show \\ Great White - Live in Schweinfurt, Germany - 1988 [Full Concert]
Great White - Live in Schweinfurt, Germany - 1988 [Full Concert]
01. Shot In The Dark
02. Face The Day
03. No Where To Run/Hide
04. Gimme Money
05. It's All Over Now
06. On Your Knees
07. Rock Me
Marcadores: GREAT WHITE, The Friday Night Rock Show
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The Winery Dogs no Brasil \\ Informações completas da turnê
Criado em 2011, o The Winery Dogs é um power trio de Rock formado por Richie Kotzen (vocal e guitarra, ex-Poison e Mr. Big), Billy Sheehan (baixo, Mr. Big, ex-David Lee Roth, Talas) e Mike Portnoy (bateria, Adrenaline Mob, ex-Dream Theater), músicos de renome que promovem o álbum "The Winery Dogs", lançado em maio.
Reconhecidos mundialmente como referências em seus instrumentos, o trio de Rock pratica um Hard Rock descontraído, com groove e a virtuose natural de seus integrantes. Os fãs acreditam que este 'dream team' veio pra ficar e as apostas são altas na qualidade do resultado que eles podem produzir. O grupo virá ao Brasil em julho para uma turnê por quatro capitais, promovida pela Free Pass Entretenimento.
Quando lhe pediram para descrever o direcionamento musical do projeto, o baterista Mike Portnoy disse: "É um Classic Rock típico de power-trio. Imagine bandas como Led Zeppelin, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Grand Funk Railroad e depois adicione toques de Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Black Crowes ou Lenny Kravitz… É nessa veia."
Datas da turnê:
Rio de Janeiro: 24 de julho (quarta-feira) - Teatro Rival
São Paulo: 26 de julho (sexta-feira) - Carioca Club
Belo Horizonte: 27 de julho (sábado) - Music Hall
Porto Alegre: 28 de julho (domingo) - Bar Opinião
The Winery Dogs
Data: 24 de julho, quarta-feira
Horários: Portas 19h / Show 20h
Local: Teatro Rival Petrobras (www.rivalpetrobras.com.br)
Endereço: Rua Álvaro Alvim, 33 / 37- subsolo - Cinelândia - Rio de Janeiro/SP
Telefones: (21) 2240-4469
Classificação etária: 16 anos
Capacidade: 500 pessoas
Em breve informações sobre ingressos e pontos de venda.
Serviço - SÃO PAULO/SP:
The Winery Dogs
Dia: 26 de julho, sexta-feira
Horário: Portas 17h / Show 19h
Local: Carioca Club (www.cariocaclub.com.br)
Endereço: Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 2899, Pinheiros Sao Paulo, 05407-004
(11) 3813-8598
Classificação etária: 16 anos
Capacidade: 1500 pessoas
Acesso a deficientes
PISTA 1º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 70
PISTA 2º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 80
PISTA 3º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 90
PISTA 4º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 100
CAMAROTE (meia-entrada): R$ 140
As vendas de ingressos iniciam-se a partir do dia 25 de maio.
Vendas online somente pela Ticket Brasil - https://ticketbrasil.com.br/show/thewinerydogs-sp em até 12 vezes no cartão (Visa / Master) ou à vista por boleto bancário.
Pontos de venda:
Carioca Club - Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 2899, Pinheiros (SP/SP)
Horário: Segunda a sábado, das 09h às 20h
Formas de pagamento: Somente Dinheiro. Não será cobrada taxa de conveniência neste ponto de venda.
Hole - Galeria do Rock - Av. São João, 439 - 1º andar loja 275 - São Paulo/SP
Horário: Segunda a sábado, das 10h às 19h
Formas de pagamento: Dinheiro, Débito e Crédito à vista nos cartões Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International, Elo.
Shopping Oriente 500
Rua Oriente, 500 2º andar - Brás - São Paulo/SP
Horário: Segunda a sexta, das 9h às 17h, sábados das 9h às 13h30.
Formas de pagamento: Dinheiro, Débito e Crédito à vista nos cartões Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International, Elo.
Rua Augusta, 2171 - Jardim Paulista - São Paulo/SP
Horário: Segunda a sábado, das 11h às 20h.
Formas de pagamento: Dinheiro, Débito e Crédito à vista nos cartões Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International, Elo.
Papelaria Express (Posto Ipiranga)
Av. Santo Amaro, 2197 - Vila Olímpia - São Paulo/SP
Horário: Segunda a sábado, das 9h às 17h.
Formas de pagamento: Dinheiro, Débito e Crédito à vista nos cartões Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International, Elo.
Chilli Beans - Vila Leopoldina
Rua Carlos Weber, 654 - Vila Leopoldina - São Paulo/SP
Horário: Segunda a sábado, das 9h às 20h.
Formas de pagamento: Dinheiro, Débito e Crédito à vista nos cartões Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International, Elo.
Na compra de ingressos neste ponto de venda você tem condições especiais na compra de produtos, além de brindes exclusivos.
Metal Music - Santo André
Rua Dona Elisa Fláquer, 184 - Centro - Santo André/SP
Horário: Segunda a sexta, das 10h às 18h30, sábado das 10h às 17h30h.
Formas de pagamento: Dinheiro, Débito e Crédito à vista nos cartões Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International, Elo.
Age Of Dreams - São Bernardo
Av. Marechal Deodoro, 1754 - 2º Andar loja 33/36 - Centro - São Bernardo do Campo/SP
Horário: Segunda a sábado, das 9hrs às 19h.
Formas de pagamento: Somente dinheiro.
*Não nos responsabilizamos por ingressos comprados fora dos pontos de venda oficiais.
*Será expressamente proibida a entrada com câmeras fotográficas profissionais, câmeras semi-profissionais e filmadoras de qualquer tipo.
Serviço - Belo Horizonte/MG:
The Winery Dogs
Dia: 27 de julho, sábado
Horário: Portas 21h / Show 23h
Local: Music Hall
Endereço: Av. Contorno, nº 3239 - Santa Efigênia / Belo Horizonte
Tel: (31) 3461-4000
Classificação etária: 16 anos
Capacidade: 1800 pessoas
Acesso a deficientes
Informações e compra de ingressos:
PISTA 1º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 50
PISTA 2º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 100
PISTA 3º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 120
MEZANINO 1º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 70
MEZANINO 2º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 150
MEZANINO 3º Lote (meia-entrada): R$ 180
Ingressos: À venda a partir do dia 25 de maio.
Vendas online somente pela Central dos Eventos - www.centraldoseventos.com.br
Tel: (31) 3209-0505
Pontos de venda:
Central dos Eventos - Rua Fernandes Tourinho 470 | Loja 12 - Savassi, Belo Horizonte/MG
*A produção do evento NÃO se responsabiliza por ingressos comprados fora do site e pontos de venda oficiais.
*Será expressamente proibido a entrada com câmeras fotográficas profissionais, câmeras semi-profissionais e filmadoras de qualquer tipo.
Serviço - Porto Alegre/RS:
The Winery Dogs
Dia: 28 de julho, domingo
Horários: Portas - 19h / Show 21h
Local: Bar Opinião (www.opiniao.com.br)
Endereço: Rua José do Patrocínio, nº 834 - Bairro Cidade Baixa
Tel: (51) 3211-2838 / Disk Opinião 24hs: (51) 8401-0104
Classificação etária: 16 anos
Capacidade: 1500 pessoas
Acesso a deficientes
PISTA 1º Lote: R$ 80
PISTA 2º Lote: R$ 90
PISTA 3º Lote: R$ 99
PISTA 4º Lote meia-entrada: R$ 108
PISTA 5º Lote meia-entrada: R$ 116
Os ingressos estarão à venda a partir do dia 25 de maio.
Vendas online somente pela Opinião Ingressos - http://minhaentrada.net/opiniao, nos cartões Visa ou Master, e também por boleto bancário.
Pontos de venda:
Multisom - Andradas / Rua Dos Andradas, 1001 Loja 01/02 - Centro (51) 3931-5283
Multisom - Barra Shopping Sul / Av. Diário de Notícias, 300 1040 a 1042 - Cristal (51) 3249-7190
Multisom - Iguatemi / Rua João Wallig, 1800 Loja 109 - D'Areia (51) 3931-5310
Multisom - Shopping Total / Av. Cristovão Colombo, 545 Loja 1032,33,34 - Floresta (51) 3931-5240
Multisom - Praia de Belas / Av. Praia de Belas, 1181 Loja 26 / Menino Deus (51) 3931-5300
Multisom - Bourbon Wallig / Av. Assis Brasil, 2611 Loja 240A / Cristo Redentor (51) 3329-6692
Multisom - Bourbon Ipiranga / Av. Ipiranga, 5200 Loja 145 - Jardim Botânico (51) 3315-8577
Multisom - Shopping Canoas / Av. Guilherme Schell, 6750 Loja 69/70 - Centro (51) 3941-6211
Multisom - Moinhos Rua / Olavo Barreto Viana, 36 Loja 110 - Moinhos de Vento (51) 3931-5351
Multisom - São Leopoldo / Rua Primeiro de Março, 821 Loja 204 - Centro (51) 3952-1310
Multisom - Novo Hamburgo / Av. Nações Unidas, 2001 Loja 1002 e 1003 - Centro (51) 3951-2212
*A produção do evento NÃO se responsabiliza por ingressos comprados fora do site e pontos de venda oficiais.
*Será expressamente proibido a entrada com câmeras fotográficas profissionais, câmeras semi-profissionais e filmadoras de qualquer tipo.
Realização e Produção: www.freepass.art.br
Sites relacionados:
Assessoria de imprensa:
Brasil Music Press: www.brasilmusicpress.com
E-mail (Heloisa Vidal): press@freepass.art.br
Marcadores: Agenda, THE WINERY DOGS
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 12:00 PM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Ghost: ouça o cover de "Waiting For The Night", do Depeche Mode
O GHOST – OU GHOST B.C.- gravou alguns covers com a finalidade de publicá-los como faixas bônus da edição japonesa do álbum “Infetissumam”, que foi lançado ontem na terra do Sol Nascente.
As faixas são “La Mantra Mori”, “I’m A Marionette” [cover do ABBA com DAVE GROHL] e “Waiting For The Night”,[cover do DEPECHE MODE],que você pode apreciar no vídeo acima.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:56 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Vídeo do memorial de Jeff Hanneman
Kerry King (SLAYER), Dave Lombardo (SLAYER), Gary Holt (EXODUS, SLAYER), Robert Trujillo (METALLICA), Shavo Odadjian (SYSTEM OF A DOWN), Robb Flynn (MACHINE HEAD), Paul Bostaph (SLAYER, TESTAMENT, EXODUS), Chuck Billy (TESTAMENT) e John Tempesta (THE CULT, EXODUS, TESTAMENT) entre outros compareceram ao memorial público em homenagem a Jeff Hanneman, guitarrista do Slayer, que ocorreu na tarde de ontem (23 de maio) no Hollywood Palladium, em Los Angeles, California.
Marcadores: Jeff Hanneman, luto, Slayer
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:54 AM 0 comentários
23 de mai. de 2013
The Darkest Nights \\ Tim Lambesis: um pai ausente e obcecado com fisiculturismo
De acordo com a San Diego Union Tribune (U-T San Diego), a mulher de Tim Lambesis, vocalista do AS I LAY DYING, a quem ele supostamente tentou assassinar, contratando um matador de aluguel, pediu o divórcio, citando “diferenças irreconciliáveis.” O casal, que esteve casado por oito anos e estava separado à época do episódio, adotou duas meninas com idades de seis e oito anos em 2001 e um menino de 1 ano em 2009, todos da Etiópia.
Meggan Lambesis disse através de documentos judiciais obtidos pelo U-T San Diego que mudanças recentes no comportamento do marido a preocupavam “com relação à sua habilidade em cuidar dos nossos três filhos.” “Especificamente”, ela escreveu, “ele se tornou obcecado com fisiculturismo e passa a maior parte do tempo na academia, levantando pesos, estando indisponível para as crianças.”
Tim Lambesis teria continuado a ver os seus filhos por mais ou menos dez horas por semana quando não estava em turnê, apesar dele e sua mulher não estarem mais vivendo juntos.
De acordo com Meggan, seu marido caia no sono enquanto tomava conta dos filhos na praia ou perto da piscina, e os ignorava enquanto usava ou falava ao celular. Ela também afirma que por duas vezes ele foi à Flórida visitar a sua namorada na época, além de passar cerca de seis meses por ano em turnê com a sua banda. Ele também gastou milhares de dólares em tatuagens e comprou carros caros.
Meggan Lambesis, que declarou no imposto de renda de 2010 uma renda familiar de US$233,000, disse que ela largou o emprego que tinha, ensinando numa escola particular, e que ficava em casa com as crianças.
Tim Lambesis, que se considera um Cristão e admite que busca inspiração em textos bíblicos pra escrever músicas, foi preso na terça-feira (07 de maio, 2013) antes que algo tivesse acontecido, por volta das 2 da tarde numa livraria em Oceanside, Califórnia, segundo o departamento de polícia de San Diego.
Ele foi acusado de contratar um matador de aluguel pra assassinar sua mulher, que mora em Encinitas, na Califórnia.
Autoridades começaram a investigar Tim Lambesis, de 32 anos, no dia 02 de maio, quando receberam informações de que ele estava, supostamente, a procura de alguém pra matar a sua esposa.
Lambesis foi levado a Vista Jail (n.t. penitenciária localizada em San Diego, Califórnia), e tem uma audiência com um juiz marcada para a tarde da quinta-feira (9 de maio), no North Division Court, na cidade de Vista, na Califórnia.
Em 2012, quando perguntado numa entrevista à rádio online HardNoise sobre como as turnês afetavam a sua vida familiar, Lambesis disse: “Se houvesse um meio de estar em casa e continuar vivendo da música, eu o faria sem pestanejar. Mas essa é a grande pegadinha, como uma profissão, essa é a minha paixão. E na minha vida pessoal, a minha paixão são as pessoas em casa, que eu amo. Então, sabe, existe um conflito entre uma coisa e outra. A única coisa que posso fazer é achar um equilíbrio onde, se eu saio em turnê por um mês, então eu acho um mês pra ficar em casa, e tento balancear as coisas dessa forma.
Marcadores: AS I LAY DYING, CIRCLE PIT, The Darkest Nights
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:26 AM 2 comentários
SEFOTEU\\ Newsted: assista em vídeo a queda do palco após empurrão de fã
Newsted: assista em vídeo a queda do palco após empurrão de fã.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:22 AM 0 comentários
Traduza\\ COREY TAYLOR On SLIPKNOT: 'It's Starting To Feel Like It's Time'
For a long time, SLIPKNOT singer Corey Taylor seemed the most hesitant to get back into the studio and make a new album following the 2010 death of bassist Paul Gray. But with three years having passed since Gray's death, and with Taylor making three albums with STONE SOUR since then, the singer told The Pulse Of Radio that he thinks 2014 will finally be the year of the KNOT. "I know everybody is pretty keen on getting together and seeing what happens next year, so I mean, if it takes us a year to write an album, so be it," he said. "The main goal is to just get us in the room and just see what happens, you know. If we can get past that first day, I think it'll come together. Now that we're all kind of in better places in our lives and whatnot, it's making it a little easier to be excited about it again. It's just starting to feel like it's time."
SLIPKNOT has performed live over the past two years but has not recorded a new album since 2008's "All Hope Is Gone".
STONE SOUR issued "Audio Secrecy" in 2010, "House Of Gold & Bones - Part 1" last fall and "House Of Gold & Bones - Part 2" last month.
Taylor has also written two books, with the second one, "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Heaven (Or, How I Made Peace With The Paranormal And Stigmatized Zealots And Cynics In The Process)", due out on July 16 through Da Capo Press.
SLIPKNOT plays the Download festival in the U.K. on June 14 and the Graspop Metal Meeting festival in Belgium on June 29.
Marcadores: SLIPKNOT
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:20 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Sepultura: assista novo video promocional do documentário
O tão aguardado documentário sobre a trajetória do SEPULTURA do Brasil para o mundo, está voltando à vida com a ajuda do Kickstarter. O cineasta Otavio Juliano veio acompanhando a banda durante a maior parte de 2010-2013, um momento de tensão e triunfo para o Sepultura, desde as turnês até as gravações do álbum "Kairos". Nada esteve fora dos limites. Esta incrível história irá percorrer a história da banda, mitos, conflitos, mudanças pessoais e as lutas com a economia da internet no início dos anos 2000, bem como entrevistas e imagens raras. Este documentário com certeza irá deixar os fãs mais perto da banda, a quem eles tanto amam.
Marcadores: SEPULTURA
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:19 AM 0 comentários
22 de mai. de 2013
Entrevista\\ Stone Temple Pilots: Slash fala sobre entrada de Chester
A notícia sobre o vocalista do LINKIN PARK, Chester Bennington, que agora irá substituir Scott Weiland no STONE TEMPLE PILOTS, vem ganhando toneladas de novidades, quando foi divulgado durante uma performance ao vivo da banda no dia 18 de maio. Tendo também experimentado um relacionamento musical complexo com Scott Weiland no VELVET REVOLVER, o guitarrista Slash deu o seu parecer sobre a nova formação do Stone Temple Pilots, via Twitter.
"Em uma rápida pausa com as entrevistas, ouvi o novo @stpband com @chesterbe, fantástico! Estou animado com esta nova formação. iiii ;)"
Stone Temple Pilots chocou o público do KROQ Weenie Roast quando Bennington subiu ao palco como novo vocalista da banda, e mais tarde, lançando uma nova música, "Out Of Time". Bennington viria a declarar em uma entrevista com o grupo, que ele planeja permanecer no Stone Temple Pilots a longo prazo.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:22 AM 5 comentários
SEFOTEU\\ Jason Newsted: derrubado do palco por fã em New York
O ex-baixista do METALLICA, JASON NEWSTED, estava se apresentando no Highline Ballroom de NYC na noite passada com sua atual banda, NEWSTED, quando as coisas ficaram um pouco tensas.
No meio de uma versão para “Whiplash”, um fã pulou no palco, pareceu tentar um stage dive para o meio da plateia, mas ao invés disso, chapou com as costas de Newsted, o que derrubou ambos do palco para o meio do público.
Os presentes apararam o fã enquanto gritavam com ele, e um segurança imediatamente arrancou o sujeito do local utilizando seu braço em volta do pescoço do transeunte, seguido por outros membros da equipe de segurança.
Visivelmente desorientado da queda de cerca de um metro e meio que poderia ter sido bastante pior caso ele tivesse caído em outra posição, Newsted voltou ao palco com a ajuda da segurança, e teve que substituir um monitor de ouvido, antes de dirigir-se aos pagantes.
“Sabe, não importa quantos shows eu já tenha feito, é a primeira vez que isso aconteceu… eu confio em meus irmãos aqui para tomarem conta disso. Alguém viu bem quem era aquele filho da puta? Não matem ele, apenas machuquem ele um pouco.”
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:20 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ SOAD: comunicado no facebook em resposta a Shavo
E parece que o baixista do System Of A Down andou falando demais. Shavo Odadjian abriu o jogo com os fãs da banda essa semana, reclamando de que Serj Tankian estaria “atrasando” a banda e não demonstrava interesse em gravar um novo álbum com o SOAD.
Foi publicado na página oficial do System Of A Down, uma mensagem em que ficou claro que as opiniões de Shavo não eram as mesmas do restante da banda. Pelo que parece, a hipótese de um novo álbum do SOAD sem Serj Tankian nos vocais, é inexistente.
Confira o pronunciamento da banda no Facebook:
“Hoje cedo, Shavo postou algumas declarações em sua página no Facebook pessoal que não refletem os sentimentos de System Of A Down como uma banda coletiva. Estas foram declarações enganosas, que foram feitas durante um estado temporário de mau julgamento por sua parte. Para ser claro, a formação da banda completa, Serj, Daron, Shavo e John se apresentará em todas as datas da turnê agendadas. Com relação ao novo disco do SOAD, embora não tenhamos chegado a um acordo sobre um calendário para um novo álbum, todos acreditamos que nós quatro temos que fazê-lo em conjunto.”
Marcadores: System Of a Down
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:00 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Rob Halford: usando cadeira de rodas, mas por pouco tempo
No último dia 14 de Maio, o jornalista estadunidense EDDIE TRUNK, do programa “That Metal Show” do canal VH1 Classics e “Friday Night Rocks” da rádio Q104. 3 FM conduziu uma entrevista com o vocalista do JUDAS PRIEST, ROB HALFORD - atualmente necessitando de uma cadeira de rodas – no Clearview Chelsea Hotel de Nova Iorque.
Segundo Halford, problemas nas costas o levaram a precisar da padiola por alguns dias, mas ele também afirma que tudo ‘deve estar bem em pouco tempo’.
O Blu-ray/DVD “Epitaph” será lançado no dia 28 de Maio através do selo Legacy Recordings, subsidiário da Sony Music. A banda ainda trabalha em um novo álbum de estúdio.
Marcadores: Judas Priest
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:58 AM 0 comentários
SWEDEN 2013 \\ RUSH Frontman Says SWEDEN ROCK Is 'Test Case' For Band Playing European Festivals
This week, Canadian rock legends RUSH will kick off the European leg of their 2013 "Clockwork Angels" tour. In June, the trek brings them to Sweden for the Sweden Rock Festival, marking the trio's first appearance at a European festival in 34 years. RUSH bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee told VH1 Radio Network's Dave Basner what the group has against festivals.
"The way festivals used to be, we were always prevented from bringing our full show to them, so things changed in the last couple of years," he said. "We've started playing a couple of outdoor venues that allow us to do our full show. We did a few in Canada that are multiple-day festivals, where you have a stage to yourself that can accommodate, so that started to turn us around a little bit about playing festivals.
Geddy went on to say if he thinks they'll play more festivals in the future.
"We'll see how this one," he said. "This one in Sweden is kind of a test case for the European festivals, and if we like the end result, then I think we might start doing more of those, because we can play to more people and shorten the show a little bit and just hit more countries that way. That's kind of what's at the back of our minds — if this goes well, maybe we can go to some countries we haven't visited yet."
RUSH's performance at Sweden Rock Festival is scheduled for June 8 in Sölvesborg.
Marcadores: RUSH, Sweden Rock Festival
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:53 AM 0 comentários
Luto \\ URIAH HEEP Bassist TREVOR BOLDER Dies At 62
Longtime URIAH HEEP bassist Trevor Bolder has died of cancer at the age of 62.
Bolder joined HEEP in 1976 as the replacement for John Wetton and made his recording debut with the band on 1977's "Firefly" LP. He played on three more albums before joining WISHBONE ASH. In 1983, he returned to URIAH HEEP and has appeared on all of the band's studio albums since then, including their most recent outing, 2011's "Into The Wild".
Said URIAH HEEP in a statement: "It is with great sadness that URIAH HEEP announce the passing of our friend the amazing Trevor Bolder, who has passed away after his long fight with cancer. Trevor was an all time great, one of the outstanding musicians of his generation, and one of the finest and most influential bass players that Britain ever produced. His longtime membership of URIAH HEEP brought the band's music, and Trevor's virtuosity and enthusiasm, to hundreds of thousands of fans across the world. He joined the band in 1976 and, barring one short break, was a fixture until his ill health forced him to take a step back early this year. Prior to joining HEEP, he was a founder and ever-present member of David Bowie's legendary SPIDERS FROM MARS band, performing on all of their key albums and at countless shows. He also performed with WISHBONE ASH, CYBERNAUTS and THE RATS."
Added URIAH HEEP guitarist Mick Box: "Trevor was a world-class bass player, singer and songwriter, and more importantly a world-class friend. He will be sadly missed by family, friends and rock fans all over the world. We are all numb to the core."
Marcadores: luto, URIAH HEEP
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:52 AM 0 comentários
21 de mai. de 2013
TRETAS\\ Nikki volta a ridicularizar Bret Michaels no Twitter
O baixista do MÖTLEY CRÜE, NIKKI SIXX, voltou a alfinetar seu desafeto BRET MICHAELS, vocalista da agonizante banda angelena POISON.
Após Michaels ter anunciado que lançaria uma linha de roupas ‘rock ‘n roll’ para cães, Sixx usou a rede social Twitter para esculhambar a iniciativa do mancebo. Confira a zoação nos Tweets abaixo:
“Eu estava pensando hoje em fazer uma coleção de roupas para animais de estimação. Acho que seria realmente incrível”
“Talvez botas de cowboy pro seu pug?”
“Ou um chapéu de cowboy com peruca costurada pra dar aquele visual de rock star pro seu Yorkshire Terrier?”
Marcadores: MOTLEY CRUE, Poison, TRETAS
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:19 AM 2 comentários
Luto \\ White Zombie: morre ex-baterista Phil Buerstatte
O ex-baterista Phil Buerstatte teria sido encontrado morto no fim de semana em Madison, Wisconsin. Não há mais detalhes disponíveis no momento.
Buerstatte foi o baterista do White Zombie entre 1992 e 1994. Ele também esteva na banda de metal Wisconsin LAST CRACK entre 1986 e 1997.
Em agosto passado, um homem que dizia ser Buerstatte foi preso por suspeita de fraudar um centro de reabilitação de drogas e álcool em Sausalito, Califórnia.
O homem teria tentado pagar R $ 75.000 para o seu tratamento no Centro de Recuperação de Alta Mira em junho com um cheque fraudulento e informações bancárias.
Marcadores: luto, Phil Buerstatte, WHITE ZOMBIE
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:17 AM 0 comentários
20 de mai. de 2013
Premiere\\ HATEBREED: 'Honor Never Dies' Video Released
"Honor Never Dies", the new video from Connecticut hardcore/metal masters HATEBREED, can be seen below. The song comes off the band's latest album, "The Divinity Of Purpose", which sold 17,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 20 on The Billboard 200 chart.
The band's previous, self-titled CD opened with 15,000 units back in 2009 to enter the chart at No. 37.
HATEBREED's "Supremacy" album premiered with around 27,000 copies in September 2006 to land at No. 31. This number was roughly in line with the first-week tally registered by its predecessor, "Rise Of Brutality", which shifted more than 32,000 copies in November 2003 to debut at No. 30.
HATEBREED's covers album, entitled "For The Lions", sold around 10,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release in May 2009 to debut at position No. 58 on The Billboard 200 chart.
"The Divinity Of Purpose" was released on January 29 in North America via Razor & Tie and on January 25 in Europe through Nuclear Blast. The CD was co-produced by HATEBREED, Chris "Zeuss" Harris (SUICIDE SILENCE, ALL THAT REMAINS, SHADOWS FALL) and Josh Wilbur (LAMB OF GOD, AVENGED SEVENFOLD), with Wilbur also handling mixing duties. The cover artwork was created and illustrated by Eliran Kantor (TESTAMENT, ATHEIST, SIGH, ANACRUSIS, GWAR) and can be seen below.
Marcadores: HATEBREED, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 1:37 PM 2 comentários
Rocknews\\ Stone Temple Pilots: vídeo da apresentação com Chester Bennington
Chester Bennington, vocalista do Linkin Park, assumiu os vocais do Stone Temple Pilots. A apresentação ocorreu durante uma apresentação no festival anual da rádio KROQ. No ano passado, a KROQ promoveu a volta do Soundgarden.
Com um palco giratório, logo após a apresentação da banda Vampire Weekend, ouviu-se os riffs iniciais de "Vasoline" do STP. Quando o palco já estava em posição, o então vocalista misterioso permanecia de costas para o público até o momento em que começou a tocar e se mostrou para o público.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:38 AM 0 comentários
The Darkest Nights \\ CBS 8 Video Report On AS I LAY DYING Frontman's Bail Review Hearing
CBS8.com has uploaded a three-minute video report on AS I LAY DYING frontman Tim Lambesis's bail review hearing, which took place yesterday afternoon (Friday, May 17) in Vista Superior Court in Vista, California. Check it out below.
Lambesis, who was charged last week with trying to hire a hitman to kill his estranged wife, had his bail lowered from $3 million to $2 million.
Lambesis, who has said he considers himself to be a Christian and acknowledges that he finds inspiration for lyrical content from biblical texts, was arrested on May 7 in an Oceanside, California bookstore. He faces nine years in state prison if convicted.
Prosecutors initially requested that Superior Court Judge Martin Staven set Lambesis' bail at $20 million, saying the singer remains "substantially motivated to kill his wife."
During yesterday hearing — which was initially scheduled for 1:30 p.m. but was postponed to 3:00 p.m. — the singer's defense attorney, Tom Warwick, blamed Lambesis' steroid use for the alleged murder-for-hire plot. He also revealed that Lambesis is going through steroid withdrawal while in custody.
Lambesis' family is unable to make bail, so he will remain in jail, Warwick said. The lawyer had asked for bail of $250,000.
According to NBC San Diego, Lambesis' attorney said the "gym culture" led to "changes in [the singer's] physiological and mental status," with Tim's bodybuilding obsession causing him to go from 170 to 220 pounds after first taking supplements, then steroids. "[He] was not the same person. He was irritable and lost God."
Lambesis is now said to be off steroids, going through withdrawal, and in total isolation in jail for protection from other inmates. He’s also getting personal counseling from a jail chaplain.
"It has been a terrible tragedy," Warwick said. "He was a very caring, gentle man [before taking steroids] and we need to get him back."
Prosecutors allege Lambesis had twice told a man at a gym that he wanted his wife killed, then met with an undercover detective known as "Red", and gave the agent an envelope containing $1,000 in cash, photographs of his wife, and the security gate code to her house. He also allegedly told the agent the dates he would be with the couple's three adopted children, in order to give himself an alibi.
"When specifically asked do you want her dead, he said, 'Yes that's exactly what I want,'" Deputy District Attorney Claudia Grasso told the judge. "The victim now is terrified and living in seclusion."
In court on Friday, Grasso said that Lambesis did not flinch when told the hit on his wife would cost $20,000. "He was very willing to pay that," she said, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.
Lambesis, who was originally booked into jail on suspicion of two felonies — conspiracy and murder-for-hire — was ordered to wear a GPS monitor and turn in his passport and was warned by the judge that, if he is released from jail, he must stay away from his immediate family. The conspiracy charge was dropped before Lambesis was arraigned.
Lambesis' wife, Meggan, filed papers in September 2012 in San Diego Superior Court seeking a dissolution of the couple's marriage.
Marcadores: AS I LAY DYING, CIRCLE PIT, The Darkest Nights
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:36 AM 1 comentários
17 de mai. de 2013
Premiere\\ Deep Purple: assista "Vincent Price", novo clipe da banda
Watch Deep Purple's brand-new music video for the new single Vincent Price", taken from the new album NOW What?! Their first video-clip in over 20 years!
Order the album here: http://www.deeppurple-nowwhat.com/order/
The single Vincent Price will be released on June 7th as download, CD single and 7" transparent vinyl
Vincent Price will become a Purple collector's item, due to the inclusion of the song "First Sign Of Madness", which was recorded during the NOW What?! sessions but not included in the final selection.
7": Side A "Vincent Price" / Side B "First Sign Of Madness"
CD single and download
1) Vincent Price
2) First Sign Of Madness
3) The Well Dressed guitar (from the now deleted RAPTURE OF THE DEEP limited edition CD)
4) Wrong Man -- live (from the now deleted RAPTURE OF THE DEEP limited edition CD)
5) Vincent Price -- VIDEO
NOW What?! - the most recent album by Deep Purple released by earMUSIC - joins MACHINE HEAD and IN ROCK in the group of iconic albums to have entered the German Album Sales Charts straight to number one. Despite the fact that the band has always reached the top of the charts worldwide with every studio album, NOW What ?! brings the band back to the highest chart positions in over 25 years all over the world:
Germany #1
Austria #1
Czech #1
Switzerland # 2
Norway # 4
Sweden # 7
Finland # 8
Holland #12
France # 19
Spain #19
UK#19 (first top 20 entry in 20 years)
...more to be announced at the end of the week!?
NOW What ?! Has been produced by Bob Ezrin and one week after its release it's rewarded by critics and fans to be one of the band's finest moments, marking the peak of a long and glorious career.
Marcadores: Deep Purple, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 12:46 PM 3 comentários
The Darkest Nights \\ As I Lay Dying: mais detalhes sobre a acusação contra Lambesis
De acordo com o San Diego Reader, uma nova audiência para fiança do vocalista do AS I LAY DYING, Tim Lambesis, vai acontecer hoje, sexta, 17 de maio, às 13:30 do horário local.
Lambesis foi preso em 7 de maio por supostamente tentar contratar alguém para assassinar sua afastada esposa. Foi ordenada uma fiança de 3 milhões de dólares durante suas primeira audiência.
Ele enfrentará 9 anos em uma prisão estadual se condenado.
A acusação inicialmente queria uma fiança de 20 milhões, alegando que o acusando permanecia “substancialmente motivado a matar sua esposa.”
A acusação alega que Lambesis contou duas vezes a um homem na academia que queria ver sua esposa morta, então se encontrou com um detetive disfarçado, conhecido como “Red”, e deu ao agente um envelope contendo US$ 1.000 em dinheiro, fotografias de sua esposa e o código de segurança do alarme de sua casa. Ele também contou ao agente sobre as datas em que estaria com os três filhos adotados do casal, criando assim um álibi.
“Quando foi especificamente perguntando se a queria morta, ele disse: ‘Sim, é exatamente o que quero.’” Contou Claudia Grasso, advogada do distrito, ao juiz. “A vítima agora vive encarcerada e aterrorizada.”
Marcadores: AS I LAY DYING, CIRCLE PIT, The Darkest Nights
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:06 AM 1 comentários
16 de mai. de 2013
KajibrinoTV \\ Anthrax - Fight 'Em Til You Can't - São Paulo 2013
Anthrax - Fight 'Em Til You Can't - São Paulo 2013
HSBC Brasil - Brasil - 15/05/2013
Marcadores: ANTHRAX, KajibrinoTV
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:23 AM 1 comentários
KajibrinoTV \\ Testament - Dark Roots of Earth - São Paulo 2013
Testament - Dark Roots of Earth - São Paulo 2013
HSBC Brasil - Brasil - 15/05/2013
Marcadores: KajibrinoTV, Testament
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:21 AM 0 comentários
RUMOURS\\ Guns N' Roses: turnê no Brasil em novembro?
Segundo informações exclusivas dos nossos parceiros que trabalham na produtora Time For Fun, o Guns N’ Roses deve realizar uma turnê pelo Brasil entre Novembro e Dezembro desde ano.
A turnê consiste em shows de grandes locais pelo Brasil, os Estados cotados para as apresentações serão: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul.
A nossa equipe também teve acesso exclusivo, ao relatório de locação das arenas utilizadas pela Time For Fun, com essa oportunidade, investigamos os possíveis locais dos shows, que serão: No Rio de Janeiro (Praça da Apoteose ou HSBC Arena), São Paulo (Arena Anhembi ou Estádio Morumbi), Minas Gerais (Estádio Mineirão) e Rio Grande do Sul (Estacionamento da FIERGS).
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:46 AM 0 comentários
The Darkest Nights \\ AS I LAY DYING Officially Pulls Out Of KILLSWITCH ENGAGE North American Tour
Due to the recent arrest of their lead singer Tim Lambesis, San Diego metallers AS I LAY DYING have canceled their participation in the upcoming KILLSWITCH ENGAGE North American headlining tour.
Says AS I LAY DYING in a statement: "In light of recent events, AS I LAY DYING will, unfortunately, not be taking part in the upcoming tour with KILLSWITCH ENGAGE. Given the circumstances, we feel that it is best for the band to be off the road while the current situation gets sorted. We'd like to thank all of our fans for their ongoing support at this difficult time."
Lambesis was arrested on may 7 for allegedly hiring someone to kill his estranged wife. He was ordered held on $3 million bail during his arraignment hearing last Thursday and he faces nine years in state prison if convicted.
Prosecutors initially requested that Superior Court Judge Martin Staven set Lambesis' bail at $20 million, saying the singer remains "substantially motivated to kill his wife."
Lambesis was ordered to wear a GPS monitor and turn in his passport and was warned by the judge that, if he is released from jail, he must stay away from his immediate family.
Lambesis' wife, Meggan, filed papers in September 2012 in San Diego Superior Court seeking a dissolution of the couple's marriage.
Marcadores: AS I LAY DYING, CIRCLE PIT, Killswitch Engage, The Darkest Nights
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:41 AM 1 comentários
Rocknews\\ Black Sabbath: assista ao vídeo da banda em "CSI"
O BLACK SABBATH estreou uma nova faixa, “End Of The Beggining”, no episódio final da temporada de CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, na noite dessa quarta-feira.
A faixa é do vindouro álbum da banda, ’13’, que sai dia 11 de Junho.
A banda apareceu na cena de abertura do programa tocando em uma pequena casa noturna. OZZY OSBOURNE teve uma fala pequena sendo entrevistado depois da performance por um jornalista que teve um papel maior ao longo do episódio.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:38 AM 0 comentários
15 de mai. de 2013
LYRIC videos \\ FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH Single Featuring ROB HALFORD: Official Lyric Video Available
Las Vegas metallers FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH introduced the first single from their upcoming album, called "Lift Me Up", via a live appearance at the Revolver Golden Gods on May 2 in Los Angeles. The performance featured a special surprise guest — Rob Halford of JUDAS PRIEST — who also appears on the studio version of the track.
The studio version of the song premiered on Monday (May 13) on U.S. radio stations and the official lyric video for the track can now be seen below.
FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's fourth studio effort will be a double album that the band will release in two installments. The first volume, "The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 1", will arrive on July 23, with the second half, "The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell Volume 2", to surface sometime later this fall.
Comments FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH singer Ivan Moody: "First and foremost, just to work alongside an icon like Rob Halford, THE Metal God, was absolutely surreal.
"The song itself was originally written about overcoming everyday obstacles and less-than-perfect situations.
"Most of us weren't born with a silver spoon in our mouth, but if life dealt you all the wrong cards, you still have to play.
"The song's intent is to inspire; if you play that hand right, you might just come out on top anyway."
FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH guitarist Zoltan Bathory said, "We came off the road after a couple of great years of touring and were really amped up to write the fourth record . . . (we) found ourselves 12-13 songs deep fairly quick but were still coming up with better and better material so we looked at each other and said, 'OK, why stop there? Let's keep going.' Once we passed the 24th song, we knew we're going to have to do a double album."
Bathory added, "We had this massive amount of music that's very dear to us, possibly the best material this band has ever created. At that point there was no way to decide which songs to leave off the album. So we made the decision to release them all."
The guitarist told The Pulse Of Radio a while back that everyone in FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH is capable of coming up with music. "You know, it's important to write songs," he said. "There was a time when people couldn't be in a band if they couldn't write songs or they couldn't play their instruments. In this band, that's how this band was kind of assembled, like everybody's a top shelf musician. Everybody can really kick ass, and we have a singer who can sing. And then we write songs."
FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH will co-headline the 2013 Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival this summer alongside ROB ZOMBIE, with the tour kicking off in San Bernardino, California on June 29.
The new double disc follows up 2011's "American Capitalist", the group's third studio album and its third consecutive release to reach gold status for sales of half a million copies or more.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:37 AM 1 comentários
LYRIC videos \\ AUGUST BURNS RED: 'Fault Line' Lyric Video Released
The official lyric video for the song "Fault Line" from the Manheim, Pennsylvania-based quintet AUGUST BURNS RED can be seen below. The song comes off the band's fifth album, "Rescue & Restore", which is due on June 25 via Solid State Records.
"Fault Line" is a scorching track that sounds every bit like a trademark AUGUST BURNS RED song, while simultaneously giving hints of the expanded sound that characterizes the new album.
"'Fault Line' is a staple-sounding AUGUST BURNS RED song," explains guitarist and principal songwriter JB Brubaker. "It's a good place to start when whetting people's appetites for 'Rescue & Restore'."
The new effort, described by Brubaker as the band’s "most ambitious album yet," turns a critical eye to the oft-maligned genre of metalcore, leading by example to prove that bands can still find exciting new ways to expand the genre.
"'Rescue & Restore' is about challenging other bands and ourselves, as well as fans of this music, to want more than whatever happens to be the current buzz," explains Brubaker.
"We’ve done our best with each new album to try to push our sound in new directions and we’d like to see our peers do the same.
"People need to realize that there’s not much of a difference between a metalcore song that has a couple breakdowns with a repeating chorus and the latest LADY GAGA song. This genre used to be better than that. It can still be better than that."
Throughout the album, AUGUST BURNS RED continue to do their part to challenge the conventions of heavy music. Over the course of 11 tracks, the band artfully blend piano, cello, violin, trumpet, various percussive elements and more into their sonic arsenal, taking their music into new aesthetic territory and contorting the boundaries of the genre.
In support of "Rescue & Restore", AUGUST BURNS RED will perform all summer long as a mainstage act on the 2013 Vans Warped Tour, marking their third appearance overall and first since 2011.
With "Rescue & Restore", AUGUST BURNS RED have proven that it is possible to reshape music in a way that challenges listeners, reinvigorates fans and puts art first. But for any fans who fear AUGUST BURNS RED turning their back on the sound that catapulted them to the forefront of a genre, Brubaker advises them not to worry.
"“At the end of the day, we are still a very heavy band," he explains. "'Rescue & Restore' still has plenty of really heavy stuff, techy odd meter riffs, and all the stuff that people have come to expect from us; it just has a lot more surprises along the way."
b>"Rescue & Restore" track listing:
01. Provision
02. Treatment
03. Spirit Breaker
04. Count It All As Lost
05. Sincerity
06. Creative Captivity
07. Fault Line
08. Beauty In Tragedy
09. Animals
10. Echoes
11. The First Step
Marcadores: August Burns Red, CIRCLE PIT, LYRIC videos
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:29 AM 0 comentários
SEFOTEU\\ Puddle of Mudd: vocalista é detido por agredir ex-esposa
Uma testemunha anônima informou que o músico Wes Scantlin havia sacudido a ex-esposa e depois tentado arrastá-la, puxando-a pelo braço e pela roupa. Scantlin resistiu à prisão, segundo informou uma das testemunhas, e permanece sob custódia e o valor de fiança estabelecido foi de US$ 20 mil.
Em setembro de 2012, o músico foi detido após causar tumulto em um avião. Na ocasião, Scantlin estava sob o efeito de entorpecentes. No início do mesmo ano, ele foi preso por porte de cocaína.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:27 AM 0 comentários
14 de mai. de 2013
Premiere\\ LEPROUS: 'The Cloak' Video Released
"The Cloak", the new video from Norwegian progressive metallers LEPROUS, can be seen below, The song somes off the band's new album, "Coal", which will be released on May 28 in North America (May 20 in Europe) via InsideOut Music. The cover artwork for the CD was created by acclaimed American artist Jeff Jordan, who produced the artwork for the band's last album, "Bilateral", in addition to working with THE MARS VOLTA.
Says LEPROUS: "While we're anxiously waiting to release 'Coal' to the public, another taste of it is coming your way.
"A while back we announced a video was in the making, and now everything is ready for your eyes and ears. 'The Cloak' is our second music video, and we're extremely excited to finally release it."
The group adds: "We spent one very long day inside the Konnerud Hill Mines here in Norway, getting some very interesting footage. The video, just like the clip for 'Restless' on our previous album, was made by Twichty Films, but we promise you no fish or cake was harmed this time around. A dark, moist atmosphere, far into the deep..."
Regarding the "Coal" artwork, LEPROUS says: "The artwork for this album was a hard nut to crack. We wanted something dark, melancholic but with a distinct character. We tried several solutions without finding the perfect supplement for the music, before we decided to contact Jeff Jordan once again. Jeff immediately had wonderful ideas that we decided to pursue. The artwork of 'Coal' is, in [our] opinion, the most iconic we've had so far."
LEPROUS will perform at various prominent summer festivals (Wacken Open Air, Hellfest, Tuska, etc.) and headlining a European tour from September to November 2013 to promote "Coal".
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, LEPROUS
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 12:08 PM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Papa Roach: confirmadas três datas de shows no Brasil
O Papa Roach acaba de divulgar em seu site as datas da turnê que passará pelo Brasil em Agosto, confira:
São Paulo - 07/08/2013 - HSBC Hall
Rio de Janeiro - 08/08/2013 - Fundição Progresso
Curitiba - 09/08/2013 - Master Hall
Marcadores: Agenda, Papa Roach
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 12:07 PM 0 comentários
CIRCLE PIT \\ PARKWAY DRIVE: 'Wild Eyes' Video Released
"Wild Eyes", the new video from Australian metallers PARKWAY DRIVE, can be seen below. The song comes off the band's fourth album, "Atlas", which was released on October 30, 2012 via Epitaph Records. The deluxe package included the "Home Is For The Heartless" DVD, a unique travelogue that follows the band's adventures touring to many obscure destinations including Colombia, China and India.
Yet another creative leap forward for the chart-topping Australian band, "Atlas" boasts some of the most up front and confrontational material PARKWAY DRIVE has ever released, while at the same time taking several unexpected turns into lush sonic terrain, redefining their trademark sound while reinforcing their position as leaders in their field.
Recorded in Los Angeles with esteemed producer Matt Hyde (SLAYER, HATEBREED), "Atlas" sets the standard in musical progression by pushing musical boundaries and drawing from a wider scope of influence. From heavy, technically advanced riffs and rapid fire blast beats, to haunting death growls combined with fervent vocals and symphonic melodies, "Atlas"' ferocious mix of metal and hardcore reaches new horizons with songs such as "Dark Days", "Old Ghost / New Regrets" and "The River", all of which will have fans careening straight for the circle pit.
"Everything has been enhanced," said McCall. "People don't have to kiss the old parts goodbye. When you think of change, you think of things being taken away, but there's not a case here where anything has been taken away. This is just more on top."
Marcadores: CIRCLE PIT, In Metal we trust, Parkway Drive
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:41 AM 0 comentários
ANTHRAX e TESTAMENT no Brasil \\ Clássicos em única apresentação no Brasil
Os fãs interessados em assistir a tão aguardada única apresentação das bandas Anthrax e Testament no Brasil, definitivamente devem correr para garantir presença neste encontro histórico. O show que acontece, nesta quarta-feira (15/05), no HSBC Brasil, em São Paulo, está praticamente sold out.
Restam poucas entradas sendo comercializadas no site da Ingresso Rápido e nas bilheterias da casa de espetáculo. Os ingressos custam de R$ 80,00 à R$ 350,00.
Considerados um dos grupos mais respeitados no cenário do metal mundial, Joey Belladonna (vocal), Scott Ian (guitarra), Frank Bello (baixo), Charlie Benante (bateria) e o guitarrista Jon Donais (Shadows Fall), que está excursionando com o Anthrax desde a saída de Rob Caggiano, trazem na bagagem a apresentação bombástica de divulgação do aclamado novo álbum "Worship Music".
No repertório, apresentado no Chile durante a gravação do próximo DVD, os norte-americanos executaram diversas composições consideradas clássicas. O setlist foi o seguinte:
Among The Living
Caught In A Mosh
I Am The Law
Efilnikufesin (N.F.L.)
A Skeleton In The Closet
In The End
T.N.T. (AC/DC cover)
I'm Alive
In My World
Got The Time (Joe Jackson cover)
Fight 'Em 'Til You Can't
I'm The Man / Raining Blood (SLAYER cover)
Antisocial (TRUST cover)
Já o Testament traz a turnê de "Dark Roots Of Earth", considerado um dos melhores discos lançados em 2012 pela imprensa especializada mundial. Chuck Billy (vocal), Eric Peterson (guitarra), Alex Skolnick (guitarra), Greg Christian (baixo) e Gene Hoglan (bateria) tem apresentando as músicas:
Rise Up
More Than Meets the Eye
Over the Wall
Native Blood
True American Hate
Dark Roots of Earth
Into the Pit
The New Order
Practice What You Preach
The Haunting
Alone in the Dark
D.N.R. (Do Not Resuscitate)
3 Days in Darkness
The Formation of Damnation
Premiere\\ PICTURE: 'Warhorse' Video Released
"Warhorse", the new video from the reactivated '80s Dutch metal band PICTURE, can be seen below. The song is the title track of the group's latest album, which was released in February 2012 via Artist Station Records. The CD was mixed by Oscar Holleman, who has previously worked with WITHIN TEMPTATION and AFTER FOREVER, among others.
PICTURE recently announced the return of guitarist Andre Wullems to the group's ranks. Along with Chriz van Jaarsveld, Andre was the guitarist in PICTURE during the promotion period for the album "Traitor" back in 1985 and played live with PICTURE on a number of occasions in the past.
Commented PICTURE in a statement: "We're really pleased that Andre deceided to join the ranks again and we're looking forward to touring with him throughout Europe with the 'Warhorse' tour. We played with Andre for some time in the past and we knew his capabilities on guitar. It's great to have a familiar member of the band return. Together with Mike Ferguson, they form a formidable guitar duo."
PICTURE supported AC/DC, TED NUGENT and SAXON in the Netherlands. With SAXON, they did a full European tour in 1981. Later on they toured with ROSE TATTOO in Germany and headlined tours in Italy and Israel.
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, PICTURE
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:16 AM 0 comentários
13 de mai. de 2013
Premiere\\ THE WINERY DOGS: 'Desire' Video Released
"Desire", the second video from THE WINERY DOGS, the new project featuring Mike Portnoy (DREAM THEATER, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, ADRENALINE MOB), Billy Sheehan (MR. BIG) and Richie Kotzen (MR. BIG, POISON), can be seen below. The song comes off the band's self-titled debut album, which will be released in Japan on May 15 via Victor Entertainment. The CD was mixed by Jay Ruston, who has previously worked with ANTHRAX, ADRENALINE MOB, STONE SOUR and STEEL PANTHER. Sheehan previously stated about the effort: "I'm really pleased with it. Richie sang his ass off and played amazingly unique stuff, and, of course Mike annihilated on drums. [It's a] really cool, unique record."
Regarding how THE WINERY DOGS got its name, Portnoy said: "It was Richie's name. We had a list of about 50 names. I had about 10 that I preferred over THE WINERY DOGS, but you know, when you're in a band, you have to give and take and choose your battles, and Richie really, really loved this band name. So, you know, it was, like, 'OK.' A name is a name. If you feel that strongly about it, then go for it. So that's who we are."
THE WINERY DOGS will kick off its world tour by playing two shows in Japan this summer: July 16 in Osaka and July 17 in Tokyo. Dates for the rest of the world will be announced soon.
"The Winery Dogs" track listing:
01. Elevate
02. Desire
03. We Are One
04. I'm No Angel
05. The Other Side
06. You Saved Me
07. Not Hopeless
08. One More Time
09. Damaged
10. Six Feet Deeper
11. Criminal
12. The Dying
13. Regret
DVD (limited edition):
01. Elevate
02. Desire
03. I'm No Angel
At the end of 2011, Portnoy and Sheehan tapped Kotzen to be the guitarist/vocalist of their new project following the departure of John Sykes (WHITESNAKE, BLUE MURDER, THIN LIZZY).
Although Portnoy and Sykes demoed a dozen or so songs at a Los Angeles studio in 2011, their vastly different work ethics and conflicting schedules were solely to blame for the dissolution of their collaboration.
During an interview that aired on the July 13, 2012 edition of Eddie Trunk's "Friday Night Rocks" radio show on New York's Q104.3 FM, Portnoy said, "I love John personally, and we get along great — he's a sweetheart of a guy — but I need to keep moving. I can't sit still and kind of wait to make an album over the next three years, I need to put things on the calendar and move forward and get them done, and John's kind of just a 'wait, wait, wait' guy. Sadly, it kind of just stopped in its tracks, and Billy and I said, 'Look, let's do something.' And you [Eddie] were the one, actually, that suggested Richie Kotzen and I thought it was a brilliant suggestion, because he's an unbelievably underrated talent, not only [as] a guitar player but a phemonal singer, and just an amazing songwriter and artist. I think people just kind of lump him, or write him off as the guy that was with POISON and MR. BIG. I think they have no idea what he's really capable of."
When asked to describe the musical direction of the project, Portnoy said, "It's a classic-rock kind of power-trio sound. If you picture the classic-rock bands of… the classic ones — [LED] ZEPPELIN, CREAM, [JIMI] HENDRIX, GRAND FUNK [RAILROAD] — if you take that classic-rock power-trio sound of the early '70s, and then you sprinkle it on top with some of the modern kind of sounds of SOUNDGARDEN and ALICE IN CHAINS or BLACK CROWES or LENNY KRAVITZ… It's in that vein; it's kind of a [mixture] of all of those bands. But on top of it all you've got the phenomenal playing that Richie and Billy do, and I could play a couple of things on the drums as well [chuckles], so... And all three of us are singing — Richie is the lead vocalist, obviously, but me and Billy are also singing."
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, THE WINERY DOGS
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:58 AM 2 comentários
SWEDEN 2013 \\ Kiss: "As pessoas vão ficar boquiabertas com o novo show"
Em 1 de junho, os lendários músicos do KISS vão começar a perna europeia da turnê “Monster”, na Suécia e ele estão preparando um novo palco para esta jornada. Dave Basner, da VH1 Radio Network, conseguiu conversar com o frontman do grupo, Paul Stanley, durante a inauguração de seu restaurante, Rock & Brews na Califórnia, na última quarta, e ele falou o que está achando desta viagem.
“É realmente muito bom”, disse Stanley. “Você sabe, por muitos anos nós falamos sobre um novo palco, e o que nós temos feito é basicamente uma extensão do antigo show. As pessoas algumas vezes vão, e, obviamente, a banda faz um grande show, e é ótimo estar lá, mas as pessoas diriam: ‘Cara, isso não parece diferente.’ Este é um palco completamente novo. Ele tem um grande tema e as luzes são coisas que você nunca viu antes.”
Quando pressionado para revelar mais detalhes, Paul disse: “Um... Eu odeio não poder dizer mais nada, mas quando você olhar as fotos da nova turnê e estivermos encabeçando os festivais na Europa, as pessoas vão ficar boquiabertas com o novo show.”
O KISS recentemente completou uma turnê Australiana com o MOTLEY CRUE. “Monster” é o 20º álbum de estúdio do grupo, e vendeu 56,000 cópias em sua primeira semana nos Estados Unidos, chegando à posição número 3 da Billboard 200.
Marcadores: KISS, Sweden Rock Festival
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:52 AM 1 comentários
MEDA \\ Queensryche: Geoff Tate reage a críticas de Frequency Unknown
Geoff Tate pediu para que o público enviasse críticas sobre seu novo álbum para sua versão do QUEENSRYCHE, e ele teve muitas respostas. Tate lançou recentemente um concurso pedindo para que as pessoas que odiaram o álbum "Frequency Unknown", gravassem um discurso em video dizendo o quanto elas desprezaram o disco. O vocalista disse que filmaria sua reação e postaria na internet para todo mundo ver.
Com as respostas rolando, o vocalista se preparou para rebater críticas do tipo: "Este álbum é tão ruim que o próprio Jesus chorou", "Este disco é a maior merda que o rock e o metal já viram" e "Como eu posso te ouvir cantar sendo que você é um saco?".
Tate consegue revidar, porém, algumas respostas intimidantes fizeram ele levantar a sobrancelha, mas achou graça das outras. O video de quase quatro minutos concentra-se principalmente em um punhado de críticas, mas todo esse ódio não foi o bastante para Tate, já que o video termina com a mensagem: "Continua..."
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:44 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ CHILDREN OF BODOM: 'Transference' Video Released
The video for the song "Transference" from Finnish metallers CHILDREN OF BODOM can be seen below. The track comes off the band's eighth album, "Halo Of Blood", which will be released on June 11 in North America via Nuclear Blast Records. The cover art was created by Sami Saramäki, who was responsible for the artwork on previous CHILDREN OF BODOM albums "Follow The Reaper", "Are You Dead Yet?" and "Hate Crew Deathroll".
Pre-order the CD (including the bonus track and digital booklet) now and get the single "Transference" instantly.
Comments CHILDREN OF BODOM guitarist/vocalist Alexi Laiho: "'Transference' is a straight-up CHILDREN OF BODOM to-the-core-type song and therefore was a good pick for a video and obviously is one of our favorite tracks. It always had an evil vibe to it, which I wish I knew how to explain because it still gives me chills… Enjoy!"
CHILDREN OF BODOM's new CD was recorded at Danger Johnny Studios in Helsinki. For the recording of the LP, CHILDREN OF BODOM has teamed up with recording engineer Mikko Karmila, who worked with the band on their fan-favorite albums "Hatebreeder", "Follow The Reaper" and "Hate Crew Deathroll", as well as Swedish producer Peter Tägtgren (MARDUK, AMON AMARTH), who oversaw production of both vocals and keyboards on the record. The album was mixed at Finnvox Studios in Helsinki.
Commented Laiho: "'Halo Of Blood' is the eighth studio album from CHILDREN OF BODOM, and believe it or not, but we still managed to keep it fresh and new while still maintaining the elements that make COB sound recognizable. It's got the fastest and the slowest song we ever made and lyrics wise there are themes we had never had before. It's 10 new songs of pure Nordic metal and whether you enjoy it with a beer or a glass of water, I'm sure you will have a good time."
"Halo Of Blood" track listing:
01. Waste Of Skin
02. Halo Of Blood
03. Scream For Silence
04. Transference
05. Bodom Blue Moon (The Second Coming)
06. The Days Are Numbered
07. Dead Man's Hand On You
08. Damage Beyond Repair
09. All Twisted
10. One Bottle And A Knee Deep
Marcadores: Children of Bodom, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:04 AM 1 comentários
CIRCLE PIT \\ PIERCE THE VEIL: 'Bulls In The Bronx' Video Released
"Bulls In The Bronx", the new video from the California-based progressive post-hardcore band , can be seen below. The clip was directed by Drew Russ and was shot on location in Pasadena. The video finds the band performing their incendiary anthem live in a 100-year-old house as two young lovers meet in secret and are transported into a bull-fighting dream world only to have their rendezvous interrupted by an enraged father.
"I really wanted to have a story people could relate to, as well as have a fun supernatural element to fit the bridge of the song," Russ recently told MTV.com. "To me, this is such a standout song, and when the bridge hits, it almost transports the listener to another place. I really wanted to represent that on camera."
"Bulls In The Bronx" is the third video from PIERCE THE VEIL's third album, "Collide With The Sky", which has sold 121,000 copies since its July 2012 release.
The video's release comes on the heels of news that PIERCE THE VEIL's entire month-long "Spring Fever Tour" with co-headliner ALL TIME LOW plus MAYDAY PARADE and YOU ME AT SIX has completely sold out all dates, including the May 3 show at Sears Centre Arena in Chicago (7,000 capacity) and the concert in Los Angeles at the Hollywood Palladium (3,700 capacity), with combined tickets sold reaching over 87,000.
Marcadores: CIRCLE PIT, In Metal we trust, PIERCE THE VEIL
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:03 AM 0 comentários
SWEDEN 2013 \\ Europe's Largest Collection Of MÖTLEY CRÜE Memorabilia To Be Displayed At Sweden's ROCKMÄSSAN
The largest collection of MÖTLEY CRÜE memorabilia in Europe will be displayed at this year's edition of the Swedish metal convention Rockmässan, which will be held at the Sweden Rock Festival, set to take place June 5-8 in Sölvesborg, Sweden. The collection includes stage clothes (such as Nikki Sixx’s classic black-and-white dotted dress from the "Theatre Of Pain" tour and the straitjacket Nikki wore on the cover of "Dr. Feelgood"), instruments, awards, unique, never-before-seen photos, personal stuff from the members and much more.
Rockmässan will have a 240-square-meter tent at Sweden Rock, where you will be able to have your picture taken by a professional photographer with some of the artists performing at the festival and get autographs by artists and other rock icons.
As usual, Sweden Rock will hold signing sessions with some of the artists playing during the festival, but on top of that, Rockmässan will invite other exciting people/artists to their tent as well. In addition, 6-8 tattoo artists will be present, including Black Shadows Tattoo, which has tattooed members of SLAYER, MORBID ANGEL, DISSECTION and WATAIN.
Marcadores: MOTLEY CRUE, Sweden Rock Festival
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:01 AM 0 comentários
10 de mai. de 2013
Premiere\\ HARDCORE SUPERSTAR: 'C'mon Take On Me' Video Released
"C'mon Take On Me", the new video from Swedish sleaze rockers HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, can be seen below. The clip was once again directed by René U Valdes and produced by Greenworks Television.
"C'mon Take On Me" is the title track of HARDCORE SUPERSTAR's new album, which was released in Europe on March 1 via Nuclear Blast Records. The follow-up to 2010's "Split Your Lip" was produced by the bandmembers themselves and mixed by Randy Staub (METALLICA, MÖTLEY CRÜE, THE CULT).
"C'mon Take On Me" was made available as a CD in slipcase, as a digital download, on black vinyl and on strictly limited pink vinyl (only available at the Nuclear Blast mailorder).
Commented HARDCORE SUPERSTAR drummer Magnus "Adde" Andreasson: "We came up with the idea [for the 'C'mon Take On Me' cover] during the recordings of the album. It's just so sexy when a woman jumps into a drum kit — what could be more exciting? We discussed the concept with photographer Micke Johansson, who loved the idea. What we especially like about it is the combination of sex and bruises!"
"C'mon Take On Me" track listing:
01. Cutting The Slack
02. C'mon Take On Me
03. One More Minute
04. Above The Law
05. Are You Gonna Cry Now
06. Stranger Of Mine
07. Won't Take The Blame Pt. 1
08. Won't Take The Blame Pt. 2 (Sect Meeting)
09. Dead Man's Shoes
10. Because Of You
11. Too Much Business
12. Long Time No See
Marcadores: HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 10:57 AM 5 comentários
The Darkest Nights\\ AS I LAY DYING Frontman Pleads Not Guilty In Murder-For-Hire Case
According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, AS I LAY DYING frontman Tim Lambesis, who is accused of trying to hire a hitman to kill his estranged wife, pleaded not guilty earlier today (Thursday, May 9) to a felony charge of solicitation of murder and was ordered held on $3 million bail. He faces nine years in state prison if convicted.
At Lambesis' arraignment in Vista Superior Court in Vista, California, Deputy District Attorney Claudia Grasso said that the musician told someone at a gym that he wanted his wife dead. He allegedly met with an undercover agent posing as a hitman, who asked Lambesis if he wanted his wife gone, and Lambesis replied, "Yes, that's what I want." Lambesis then gave the agent an envelope containing $1,000 in cash with detailed instructions — including pictures of his wife, her address and the code to get through a gate and dates when the "hit" could take place; when he had his children, saying that would be his alibi on how to kill his estranged wife.
The prosecutor argued at the arraignment — which was attended by Tim's family, fans, AS I LAY DYING manager and band lawyer — that Lambesis be held on $20 million bail, but his defense attorney countered that the amount was unreasonable.
Defense attorney Anthony Salerno said afterward that he believed his client may have been the victim of a setup. "Law enforcement was fed something by someone who effectively orchestrated the whole thing ... [Tim] did not intend to harm anybody," said the lawyer, who added that someone may have given false information about Lambesis to authorities in order to "save his own skin." "If I had to hang a tag on it, I'd call it a scumbag snitch setup," he said.
A readiness conference has been scheduled for June 10 with a preliminary hearing to follow on July 10.
Photos and video footage of the arraignment from KFMB-TV and NBC 7 can be seen below.
Lambesis' wife Meggan filed for divorce in September, citing "irreconcilable differences." The couple, who had been married for eight years and were separated at the time, had adopted two girls at ages 6 and 8 in 2011 and a 1-year-old boy in 2009, all from Ethiopia.
The relationship suffered a major blow last August when Tim sent an email to his wife saying he no longer loved her and did not want to be with her anymore. He also wrote that he no longer believed in God, the prosecutor said.
Tim Lambesis was taken into custody without incident on Tuesday (May 7) around 2 p.m. at a Barnes & Noble bookstore in Oceanside, California, according to San Diego Sheriff's Department.
Authorities began investigating Lambesis, 32, in the case on May 2, when they received information that he allegedly was trying to get someone to kill his wife.
Marcadores: AS I LAY DYING, CIRCLE PIT, SEFOTEU, The Darkest Nights
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:58 AM 0 comentários
9 de mai. de 2013
UFO no Brasil \\ Provável set list dos shows no Brasil
O UFO, lendária banda inglesa que lançou diversos clássicos nos anos 70 e continua na ativa até hoje, tem quatro shows marcados no Brasil para os próximos dias. Eis as datas:
11/05 - Carioca Club - São Paulo
12/05 - Teatro CIEE - Porto Alegre
14/05 - Teatro Odisseia - Rio de Janeiro
16/05 - Bolshoi - Goiania
A formação atual da banda traz Phil Mogg nos vocais, Andy Parker na bateria, Paul Raymond na guitarra e o virtuoso Vinnie Moore na guitarra solo. Completa a formação o baixista Rob De Luca, que está substituindo Pete Way. A situação de Pete está indefinida: ele se retirou de algumas turnês por motivos de saúde; não consegui encontrar informação que me garantisse que ele ainda está com problemas para excursionar. Ainda assim, uma formação poderosa, com três membros da formação mais clássica reforçados de Vinnie Moore, que tem uma pegada incrível e já está na banda desde 2004, perfeitamente entrosado com os demais integrantes.
A banda fez uma rápida turnê europeia nos meses de fevereiro e março, encerrando com uma série de sete shows na Alemanha. No ano passado, a banda passou pelos EUA nos meses de novembro e dezembro. É a turnê do seu último álbum, "Seven Deadly", lançado em fevereiro do ano passado. O disco foi muito elogiado e conseguiu boas posições nas paradas mundo afora.
Eis o set list tocado pela banda em um dos últimos shows na Alemanha (Nuremberg, 14 de março). Entre parênteses, o álbum ao qual a música pertence:
"Lights Out" ("Lights Out")
"Mother Mary" ("Force It")
"Fight Night" ("Seven Deadly")
"Wonderland" ("Seven Deadly")
"Cherry" ("Obsession")
"Let It Roll" ("Force It")
"Mojo Town" ("Seven Deadly")
"Burn Your House Down" ("Seven Deadly")
"Only You Can Rock Me" ("Obsession")
"Love to Love" ("Lights Out")
"Hell Driver" ("The Visitor")
"Venus" ("Walk On Water")
"Too Hot to Handle" ("Lights Out")
"Rock Bottom" ("Phenomenom")
"Doctor Doctor" ("Phenomenom")
"Shoot Shoot" ("Force It")
Este set list foi seguido, com pequenas alterações aqui e ali, nos últimos shows na Europa. Ele privilegia os clássicos dos anos 70 - 10 canções! Privilegia também a promoção do último disco da banda, "Seven Deadly", com quatro canções. Temos também uma musiquinha do álbum "The Visitor", de 2009, e uma do álbum "Walk On Water", álbum gravado no primeiro retorno de Michael Schenker à banda, em 1995. Claro que senti falta de alguns clássicos dos anos 70 - uma de minhas preferidas, "Natural Thing", não está incluída... Mas faz parte, com uma discografia tão extensa, sempre fica alguma grande canção de fora. Estou achando que será um grande show!!
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:35 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Anthrax: problemas com viagem para o Chile
Scott Ian, guitarrista do Anthrax, soltou a seguinte mensagem no twitter:
"O voo para o Chile foi cancelado ontem à noite. Ainda estamos em Dallas. Chegaremos a tempo em Santiago? Só a American Airlines sabe dizer”.
A banda tem uma data agendada amanhã para Santiago, no Chile.
Marcadores: ANTHRAX
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:29 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Velvet Revolver procura 'silenciosamente' por novo vocal
Durante uma recente entrevista com a rádio Banana 101.5 em Flint, Michigan, SLASH falou sobre o atual status do VELVET REVOLVER, a banda que lançou dois álbuns pela RCA/SONY entre 2004 e 2007 antes de despedir o vocalista drogadito Scott Weiland em 2008.
“Com o Velvet, não há vocalista no posto, e nem teve, mas temos, na verdade, muito silenciosamente, procurado por alguém que seja certo pra banda”, disse Slash. “Mas, interessantemente, eu vou toar alguns shows na África do Sul com Duff McKagan e Matt Sorum e Glenn Hughes, e isso vai ser interessante. Se chama KINGS OF CHAOS e Duff e Matt e Steve Stevens e Glenn Hughes e Sebastian Bach são a banda principal, e eles chamam outros caras como convidados. Vai ser meio que como o Velvet Revolver com o Sebastian e Glenn Hughes cantando.”
Marcadores: King of Chaos, Slash, Velvet Revolver
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:28 AM 0 comentários
8 de mai. de 2013
Premiere\\ DEFTONES: 'Swerve City' Video Released
"Swerve City", the new video from
Sacramento's DEFTONES, can be seen
below. The song comes off the band's seventh studio album, "Koi No Yokan", which was released November 13, 2012 via
Warner Bros Records. It debuted at No.
11 on the Billboard Top 200 chart, with
over 65,000 copies sold first week. Revolver declared it their "Album of the Year," Spin selected it as one of its Top 50
Albums of 2012 (and its No. 5 Metal Album Of The Year), the New York Post hailed it as "one of the best rock albums of
the year," and Penthouse said "If you
hear an album this year that combines the ferocious and the sublime as well as
DEFTONES' 'Koi No Yokan', please write us an email and flag it
DEFTONES released several different vinyl editions of "Koi No Yokan" on January 22. The four
configurations are as follows: a standard retail version pressed on 140-gram
black vinyl (3,000 units); a direct-to-consumer version on 180-gram black vinyl
with foil-stamped numbered jackets (1,000 units); an international edition
pressed on 180-gram vinyl; and an exclusive edition sold through Hot Topic
retailers pressed on 140-gram clear-colored vinyl (1,500 units).
bassist Chi Cheng passed away on April 13
following complications from a 2008 car accident that left him in a
semi-comatose state. He was 42.
Sergio Vega stepped in to play for the
band on tour after Cheng's accident,
staying on to record 2010's "Diamond
Eyes" and "Koi No Yokan".
Marcadores: DEFTONES, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:21 PM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ LITA FORD: 'Mother' Video Released
"Mother", the new video from '80s hard rock queen Lita Ford, can be seen below. Directing the clip, which was filmed last September in Joshua Tree, California, was Ford's former THE RUNAWAYS bandmate Victory Tischler-Blue, whose film "Edgeplay" was based on her tenure in the 1970s all-girl teenage rock act.
Photos from the "Mother" video shoot can be found at this location.
"Mother", which is dedicated to Lita's estranged sons, Rocco and James (father is former NITRO singer Jim Gillette), comes off her new album, "Living Like A Runaway", out now on SPV/Steamhammer. "I wrote this song for [my sons]," Lita recently told the Deciblog. "I wrote this song to tell them how much I love them and to tell them that I didn't mean for this to happen [for Lita to be forced to live apart from her kids following her divorce from Gillette. — Ed.] and that it's not my fault. I didn't do this to them, although they think I did. I miss them, I love them. They're my life."
"It was hard to write," she told Examiner.com. "It was hard to record. It's hard to listen to. I find myself skipping over it sometimes, depending on how much makeup I have on that day. If I'm all made up, I'm like, 'Oh, can't cry right now!' I've done interviews where big, grown men tell me they've come away from it in tears. That's huge. That's what I wanted — for people to feel my pain. But it is a great song."
"Living Like A Runaway" was released on June 19, 2012 in North America. The effort was made available in four configurations: a double LP, limited-edition CD, standard CD and digital download. The artwork for the album was created by famed rock photographer Mark Weiss.
In an interview with Über Röck. Lita stated about "Living Like A Runaway", "This was an album I wrote during one of the darkest times of my life. I was going through this divorce and I needed somewhere to channel my feelings. My hurt, my pain, my aggression, my sadness, my happiness... all of these feelings are in this record. When you listen to the tracks, they are believable because they are real. . . It just came together; it was like a gift from God, this album. It took a year to write, it was a slow process, seeming like two years, and it came to me a piece at a time."
Lita has previously referred to "Living Like A Runaway" as her "real comeback album." She explained, "The last album I did was called 'Wicked Wonderland'. I put it out with Jim Gillette, and we were married at the time. It is kind of a Jim/Lita album and not a really true Lita album. I got a lot of spiel about that. . . I really wasn't that comfortable with that record — not at all, to tell you the truth. There are parts of it that are good, but it doesn't sound like a Lita record. When it got released, a lot of my fans felt weird about it and said it wasn't a Lita album. [It] turned out to be more of a Jim album. We worked pretty well together. It doesn't suck, it's not a bad album; it's just not a Lita album."
Marcadores: CHICKS, In Metal we trust, Lita Ford
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:26 AM 0 comentários
SEFOTEU\\ Former OBITUARY Guitarist Arrested For Methamphetamine Production, Possession
According to Tri-County Sun Times, former OBITUARY, SIX FEET UNDER and MASSACRE guitarist Allen West was arrested at the end of March in Lake Panasoffkee, Florida for methamphetamine production and possession.
After the musician called 911 to report that two males broke into his house, "[responding] deputies met with the property owner Allen West in a wooded area next to the residence," the web site reports. "Allen West stated that two male subjects forcibly entered his house by kicking in the front door at which time he fled out the rear and hid in the woods.
"West requested the deputies search his residence for possible subjects. During the search deputies noticed a strong acidic odor emitting from the master bedroom. Deputies then discovered in the master bedroom and bathroom plastic soda bottles with tubing protruding from them. The bottles also had a wet white pasty substance in the bottles and on the bathroom and bedroom counters. These items are commonly used in the manufacturing of methamphetamine."
West's residence was subsequently searched by the Special Investigations Squad, which found "ammonium nitrate, sodium hydroxide (a.k.a. 'Drano'), a corrosive acid, lithium strips and other items commonly used to produce methamphetamine." The lab was dismantled and West was subsequently held on a $40,000 bond.
West, 45, is currently incarcerated at the Sumter County Jail in Bushnell, Florida.
In January 2008, West was released from the Gainesville Correctional Institution in Gainesville, Florida after serving eight months for driving under the influence (DUI).
West has had problems with alcohol abuse over the years and even quit OBITUARY for a time in August 2005 because he was unable to remain sober enough to play shows. OBITUARY originally hoped West would sober up enough to work on the band's "Xecutioner's Return" CD, but the guitarist couldn't pull it off, and on May 16, 2007 he was arrested and imprisoned after his fifth DUI offense.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:22 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Crashdiet: após morte de empresário, banda pede dinheiro aos fãs
Após o falecimento de seu empresário durante um show no Reino Unido, a banda sueca de hard rock CRASHDÏET esteve financeiramente em maus lençóis. O dinheiro que eles tinham para prosseguir com a turnê está congelado, por assim dizer, já que o empresário controlava todas as finanças da banda como pessoa jurídica.
O grupo procura agora ajuda dos fãs para angariar dinheiro de modo a terminar a turnê. Eles estão oferecendo recompensas pela ajuda, como passes vitalícios para o backstage, itens usados em turnê [palhetas, cordas, peles de bateria] e camisetas especiais.
As boas novas: o objetivo da coleta era levantar 7600 euros, e eles já conseguiram 17mil! Sendo assim, a banda pode terminar o giro como programado e talvez liquidar os débitos que adquiriram como pessoas físicas logo após a morte de seu manager.
Marcadores: Crashdïet
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:40 AM 0 comentários
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