31 de jan. de 2013
RUMOURS\\ Live N' Louder: festival volta com Twisted Sister no mês de abril
Marcadores: Live N' Louder, RUMOURS, Twisted Sister
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:46 AM 1 comentários
Entrevista\\ Korn: estaria Brian Head Welch retornando à banda?
Além da performance surpresa de Welch e as novas datas do KORN, contendo o guitarrista, o companheiro de banda, James “Munky” Schaffer, contou ao Loudwire, em uma entrevista exclusiva, que ele gostaria de ver o amigo voltar eventualmente. Em uma entrevista com a Rolling Stone, Head afirmou que compartilha de sua animação com a turnê, além da vontade de retornar ao grupo.
“Todos neste mundo estão quebrados.” Disse Welch à Rolling Stone. “Há muitos divórcios, ódio e rancor. Para as pessoas, ver isto [a turnê de Welch com o KORN], eu acho que é realmente edificante. Eu nunca pensei que fosse acontecer, e eu ainda não estou certo de tudo. Os fãs adoraram, porque muitos dos fãs daquela época tinham tendências suicidas e de lares partidos, vindo de abuso. Eles nos olhavam como sua família e ver sua família se separar foi difícil para eles. Colar todos os pedaços dá uma alegria às pessoas que se importam com isso.”
Quando perguntado sobre uma possibilidade de uma turnê completa nos Estados Unidos com o KORN, Welch pareceu aberto à ideia, ainda que um tanto quanto realista: “Nós estamos indo devagar. Diz. “Nós estamos juntos quando eu tenho tempo, mas eu vou lançar meu álbum agora e eles estão ocupados com suas coisas, mas neste momento eu diria que nada é impossível.”
Finalmente, quando perguntado se gravaria mais um álbum com o grupo, o guitarrista afirma: “Novamente, eu diria que nada é impossível”.
Marcadores: KORN
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:41 AM 0 comentários
CIRCLE PIT \\ Killswitch Engage lança novo single
A banda americana, Killswitch Engage, lançou hoje seu novo single, “In Due Time”.
A música estará presente no próximo álbum da banda, “Disarm The Descent”, que sai no dia 01 de abril pela Roadrunner Records e marca a volta do vocalista Jesse Leach, que deixou o grupo após “Alive Or Just Breathing” de 2002.
Marcadores: CIRCLE PIT, Killswitch Engage
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:39 AM 0 comentários
30 de jan. de 2013
Premiere\\ SOUNDGARDEN: DAVE GROHL-Directed 'By Crooked Steps' Video Available
Reunited grunge legends SOUNDGARDEN tapped FOO FIGHTERS frontman and documentary director Dave Grohl to get behind the camera on December 18 and shoot the band's new video for its song "By Crooked Steps". The clip, which casts SOUNDGARDEN as a "Sons Of Anarchy" type of biker gang and also features electronic DJ sensation Deadmau5 in a cameo role, can now be seen below.
"By Crooked Steps" is taken from SOUNDGARDEN's first album in 16 years, "King Animal", which came out in November and sold 83,000 copies in its first week of release to debut at No. 5 on the Billboard album chart.
Grohl has directed a number of videos for FOO FIGHTERS, and has completed his first feature-length documentary, "Sound City", which will be released later this year. The film chronicles the history of the legendary Los Angeles studio where acts like NIRVANA, FLEETWOOD MAC, TOM PETTY, METALLICA and many others recorded classic albums.
"By Crooked Steps" follows "Been Away Too Long" as the second single from "King Animal". Singer Chris Cornell told The Pulse Of Radio a little about the tune: "It's one of the earlier songs that we started working on, but I also felt like it, to me, is like definitely sort of a new chapter for us. If you wanted to take one example of SOUNDGARDEN progressing, that's a good one for me."
SOUNDGARDEN reunited in 2010 after a 13-year break, releasing a retrospective collection called "Telephantasm" and a concert album titled "Live On I-5".
The band kicked off a winter North American tour on January 18 in Washington D.C.
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, Soundgarden
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:35 AM 2 comentários
28 de jan. de 2013
RUMOURS\\ Black Sabbath no Brasil 2013? Butler confirma América do Sul
O ícone Black Sabbath pode vir ao Brasil ainda este ano! Nos bastidores da Feira Internacional de Música NAMM, o baixista Geezer Butler fez uma entrevista à Rádio KCAL Rocks 96,7 FM, de Redlands (California, Estados Unidos), contando quais os planos da banda para 2013.
De acordo com Butler, o Black Sabbath começará sua turnê em abril com shows na Nova Zelândia e Austrália. Em seguida, vai para o Japão para uma versão do festival Ozzfest. Em junho será lançado o novo álbum do grupo seguido por uma turnê pela América do Norte. Em seguida, ele faz uma observação que irá para América do Sul e Europa.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 10:51 AM 1 comentários
Rocknews\\ Axl Rose: vocalista fala sobre vítimas da tragédia em Santa Maria
Marcadores: GUNS N' ROSES
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:19 AM 0 comentários
Entrevista\\ Anthrax: Scott Ian esclarece desejo de falência da indústria
Conversando com a revista australiana Loud, SCOTT IAN foi questionado sobre o futuro da indústria da música. "Eu não sei mesmo - Eu não me importo; Eu não tenho ideia," ele respondeu. "Eu realmente não dou a mínima para a indústria. (...) Eu só tenho esperanças de que toda a indústria entre em colapso e vá à falência, ou algo do tipo, porque eu realmente não tenho nada de bom para dizer sobre a indústria musical."
Ele continuou: "Quando você pensa sobre os bilhões e bilhões de dólares que as gravadoras roubaram das bandas desde a década de 40 até meados da década de 90, e agora se queixam que ninguém compra mais discos. Bem, de quem é a culpa, você sabe? Essas companhias, corporações e indivíduos literalmente roubaram bilhões de dólares e voce teve artistas, bandas que já não existem mais e literalmente são como, há um passo de ser um sem-teto ou viver em abrigos, ou o que seja. Mas você não vê a maioria dos músicos se aposentando e vivendo o resto de suas vidas com milhões e milhões de dólares, apenas por ter deixado uma gravadora. Esta grande porcaria é insana, a forma como as gravadoras atuavam. Especialmente nos anos 40, 50, 60 e 70, quando as bandas era realmente roubadas."
Em uma série de mensagens enviadas pelo seu Twitter na última noite (Sexta, 25 de Janeiro), SCOTT IAN elaborou em seus comentários: "Apenas para esclarecer o que eu disse sobre a falência da indústria musical em uma entrevista recente... Eu não estava falando de selos independentes como o Megaforce, Nuclear Blast, Metal Blade, etc. etc. Esses selos mudaram os negócios e acharam um meio que funciona e não são apenas justos com as bandas, mas vão atrás de desenvolver a banda do jeito que era feito quando começamos. Os grandes selos já não tem mais lugar no rock/metal e se você é uma grande banda, é melhor fazer as coisas por voces mesmo. Este era o ponto que eu queria dizer."
Marcadores: ANTHRAX
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:18 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ The Metal Fest 2013: excursão para o festival no Chile!
O evento ocorrerá nos dias 13 e 14 de abril em Santiago e possui as seguintes bandas confirmadas até o momento:
e muito mais!
- Pacote 1 com APTO DUPLO: R$ 2.230,00
1a parc 25/01 745,00 2a Parc 22/02 R$ 745,00 3a Parc 22/03 R$ 740,00
- Pacote 2 com APTO TRIPLO: R$ 2.100,00
1a parc 25/01 700,00 2a Parc 22/02 R$ 700,00 3a Parc 22/03 R$ 700,00
- Pacote 3 Apenas Terrestre + APTO DUPLO (sem passagens aéreas): R$ 1.520,00
1a parc 25/01 510,00 2a Parc 22/02 R$ 510,00 3a Parc 22/03 R$ 500,00
- Pacote 4 Apenas Terrestre + APTO TRIPLO (sem passagens aéreas): R$ 1.390,00
1a parc 25/01 465,00 2a Parc 22/02 R$ 465,00 3a Parc 22/03 R$ 460,00
Inclusos nos pacotes 1 e 2: passagens aéreas SP/CHI/SP, ingresso p/2 dias, seguro, 6 noites em hotel c/café da manhã, traslados (aeroporto/hotel, hotel/show 2 dias, hotel/aeroporto). E ainda 01 passeio + 1 city tour!
Tire todas suas dúvidas e venha fazer parte dessa festa conosco! Envie um e-mail para danilo@agendametal.com.br, peça seu brinde exclusivo Agenda Metal e faça já sua reserva!
Marcadores: The Metal Fest
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 6:15 AM 0 comentários
25 de jan. de 2013
ANTHRAX e TESTAMENT no Brasil \\ Informações gerais de única apresentação
Local: HSBC Brasil
Endereço: R. Bragança Paulista, 1281
Data: 15/05/2013
Horário: 21h
Valores dos Ingressos:
- Camarote (R$ 350,00/ Estudante: R$ 175,00)
- Frisas (R$ 300,00/ Estudante: R$ 150,00)
- Cadeira Alta (R$ 250,00/ Estudante: R$ 125,00)
- Pista Vip 1. lote (R$ 380,00/ Estudante: R$ 190,00)
- Pista 1. lote (R$ 160,00/ Estudante: R$ 80,00)
Pré-venda exclusiva de 26/01 até 28/01 na compra de até 4 ingressos com os cartões HSBC.
Clientes do HSBC têm 25% de desconto na compra de ingressos. Limitado a 4 ingressos/sessão por titular do cartão, mediante pagamento com a utilização dos cartões HSBC.
CLASSIFICAÇÃO: Livre - Menores de 14 anos somente acompanhados dos pais ou responsável legal.
Não será permitida a entrada de alimentos e bebidas na casa de espetáculos.
23 de jan. de 2013
Traduza\\ KORN To Perform With Guitarist HEAD At ROCK ON THE RANGE
"We're really looking forward to returning to Rock On The Range with a batch of brand new killer ALICE tunes to play for everyone!" says Jerry Cantrell, ALICE IN CHAINS.
"Head is back!!," says KORN's Jonathan Davis. "Rock On The Range is going to start it all off!! Get ready, we are going to hit it hard!!"
"BUSH are thrilled to be playing Rock On The Range with such great bands," says BUSH's Gavin Rosdale. "We look forward to seeing you all out there."
"This massive lineup has scratched our seven-year itch!" says Gary Spivack, co-executive producer of the event for Right Arm Entertainment. "Getting SOUNDGARDEN for their first Ohio play in two decades and having seminal acts ALICE IN CHAINS, KORN, VOLBEAT and PAPA ROACH return along with bands new to Rock On The Range that include SMASHING PUMPKINS and BUSH, and everything in between — the spectrum of rock n roll is covered…three days of constant energy. Rock On The Range is truly where rock lives."
Now in its seventh year, Rock On The Range will again take place at Columbus Crew Stadium in Columbus, Ohio on Friday, May 17, Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19, 2013. With the addition of a full slate of artists performing on Friday, festival organizers are also adding a series of additional enhancements for Rock On The Range 2013, including the new Rock On The Range Comedy Tent.
"Our goal with Rock On The Range is to constantly create new and interesting ways to expand the event and give even more value to our fans," comments Joe Litvag, co-executive producer of the event for AEG Live. "In 2013, we've added a comedy tent within the site that will be curated by The Funny Bone comedy club. Having a slate of incredible, up-and-coming comedians to riff on the rock experience will be a great change of pace for the weekend. The site layout is also changing dramatically in 2013 to create better event flow, to add more interactive fan activity to the festival, and to allow even more people to experience the higher caliber of talent on the second stage this year."
As a special limited offer, pre-sale weekend tickets startat a low price of $89.50 (plus fees), for Stadium GA tickets only, from Wednesday, January 30 through Thursday, January 31 at 10 p.m. EST. Additionally, a limited number of Stadium GA "4-ticket packs" are also available for $299 — a savings of nearly 25% — beginning on Wednesday, January 30, while supplies last.
Pre-sale tickets are available at RockOnTheRange.com. Tickets go on-sale to the general public Friday, February 1 at 10 a.m. ET. Rock On The Range is again offering premiere VIP Packages, Hotel and Ticket Bundles and Camping packages.
"Rock On The Range strives to deliver an outstanding lineup for an affordable price and this year is no different," said Ryan Smith, General Manager of Crew Stadium, co-executive producer of Rock On The Range. "With the creation of the special $89 pre-sale ticket and 4-pack bundle, rock fans can see over 40 of their favorite bands for an unprecedented value."
Presented by Right Arm Entertainment, AEG LIVE and Crew Stadium, Rock On The Range is a multi-stage music and lifestyle event featuring a potent lineup of bands on three stages and is proud to be sponsored by Monster Energy, Jägermeister, f.y.e. and U.S. Army. The nationally renowned festival, centrally located in the heart of the country, has annually drawn weekend crowds in excess of 70,000 since its inception in 2007.
Marcadores: KORN
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 9:43 AM 0 comentários
CIRCLE PIT \\ BRING ME THE HORIZON: 'Shadow Moses' Video Released
"Shadow Moses", the new video from the British metalcore act BRING ME THE HORIZON, can be seen below. The song comes off the band's fourth album, "Sempiternal", which will be released on April 29 in Europe via RCA and one day later in North America through Epitaph.
Proving to be perpetual favorites among fans, the CD's first single, "Shadow Moses", came charging out of the gates earlier this month after premiering on Zane Lowe's BBC Radio 1 show, forcing Epitaph to post the song on YouTube a week in advance due to popular demand.
"There's a very euphoric sound coursing through the album, a very uplifting but yet sad sound," says BRING ME THE HORIZON frontman Oliver Sykes. "Electronically, it's far more advanced than anything we've done before."
The five-piece, consisting of Oliver Sykes, Lee Malia, Matt Kean, Matt Nicholls and Jordan Fish, recorded "Sempiternal" over a three-month period with super producer Terry Date (LINKIN PARK, DEFTONES, SOUNDGARDEN). The band also brought in David Bendeth (A DAY TO REMEMBER, PARAMORE) to add to the all-star production lineup and mix the album.
"Writing 'Sempiternal' was a completely different process," comments Sykes. "We worked from a computer, laying down ideas and riffs and working on them tirelessly until we had what we wanted." For the first time, "Sempiternal" sees a new member appearing on the record, Jordan Fish, who takes on keyboard duties on the record as well as during live performances. "Bringing Jordan into the mix changed things completely; he opened up so many more possibilities."
Sykes goes on to say: "The lyrical theme is everything. My head was a lot clearer when writing this time and it allowed me to write from a different perspective. It's the best stuff I've ever written, in my opinion. It's very dramatic, quite blunt, and at times sarcastic, but the biggest part of it — is how it is combined with the music to bring the listener vivid imagery and emotion. I think we really managed to pull that off."
"Sempiternal" is an embracing ride through soaring vocals, supercharged melodies and what can only be described as spine tingling metal anthems.
After the critical and commercial success of their previous albums, "There Is A Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is A Heaven, Let's Keep It A Secret" (2010) and their breakout success "Suicide Season" (2008), BRING ME THE HORIZON plans to take heavy music to the next level, incorporating the most dynamic elements of hard music to create one of the most exhilarating albums of the year.
"Sempiternal" track listing:
01. Can You Feel My Heart
02. The House Of Wolves
03. Empire (Let Them Sing)
04. Sleepwalking
05. Go To Hell, For Heaven's Sake
06. Shadow Moses
07. And The Snakes Start To Sing
08. Seen It All Before
09. Anti-vist
10. Crooked Young
11. Hospitals For Souls
BRING ME THE HORIZON recently parted ways with guitarist Jona Weinhofen. A replacement axeman has not yet been announced.
Marcadores: Bring Me The Horizon, CIRCLE PIT, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:10 AM 24 comentários
22 de jan. de 2013
"A Tribute To Kill 'Em All" track listing:
01. Hit The Lights - BLACK TIDE
02. The Four Horsemen - BURDEN OF GRIEF
03. Motorbreath (live) - RAGE
04. Jump In The Fire - DUST BOLT (exclusive)
05. (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth - EISREGEN and THE VISION BLEAK (exclusive)
06. Whiplash - MOTÖRHEAD
07. Phantom Lord - ANTHRAX
08. No Remorse - CANNIBAL CORPSE
09. Seek & Destroy - PRIMAL FEAR
10. Metal Militia - DEW-SCENTED
Originally issued on July 25, 1983 through the independent label Megaforce Records, "Kill 'Em All" was recorded in two weeks on a miniscule budget in upstate New York. Although only 1,500 copies were initially pressed, the album was reissued by Elektra Records after the band signed to that label in 1984 and has since been certified triple platinum for sales of more than three million copies.
The original title of "Kill 'Em All" was "Metal Up Your Ass".
The album's opening cut, "Hit the Lights", was the first song that frontman James Hetfield and drummer Lars Ulrich wrote together after forming METALLICA. An early version of the track appeared on the 1982 compilation "Metal Massacre".
Lead guitarist Dave Mustaine was replaced by Kirk Hammett shortly before recording commenced, although Mustaine still has several writing credits on the disc and went on to form MEGADETH.
A number of songs from the album are still part of METALLICA's set list to this day, including "The Four Horsemen", "Seek and Destroy" and "No Remorse".
METALLICA has since gone on to become one of the biggest rock bands in the world, selling tens of millions of copies of its eight studio albums, including 15 million alone of 1991's self-titled "black album." The band's ninth effort, "Death Magnetic", arrived in 2008.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:05 AM 1 comentários
Premiere\\ SISTER SIN: 'Hearts Of Cold' Video Released
"Hearts Of Cold", the new video from Swedish female-fronted heavy rockers SISTER SIN, can be seen below. The clip was directed by Eric Richter in Chicago, Illinois and "packs a ferocious punch in a span of four minutes and sixteen seconds that will have your adrenaline rushing with your fist held high," according to a press release. The song is loosely based on characters Mikey and Mallory from the 1994 movie "Natural Born Killers" and mirrors the Finnish, real-life version of them — Juha Veikko Valjakkala and Marita Routalammi — who crossed the border over to Sweden and killed a family of three.
"Hearts Of Cold" comes off SISTER SIN's third album, "Now And Forever", which entered the official chart in the band's home country at position No. 44. Released on October 23, 2012 via Victory Records, the CD was recorded at Standstraight Studios in Stockholm with producer Chris Snyder and was mixed by Cameron Webb (MOTÖRHEAD, SOCIAL DISTORTION, DANZIG).
SISTER SIN singer Liv Jagrell underwent surgery in November to remove nodules on her vocal cords. As a result, the band was forced to cancel all of its previously announced shows for the remainder of 2012.
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, Sister Sin
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:03 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ Ghost: vídeo de novo single, "Secular Haze" na TV sueca
Um vídeo do GHOST, a muito comentada banda sueca, tocando seu novo single, “Secular Haze”, no último sábado, 19 de janeiro no “P3 Guld”, premiação anual de uma rádio na Suécia, já pode ser visto abaixo.
A versão de estúdio do cover do ABBA, “I’m A Marionette” foi lançada no Spotify. A faixa, que contém Dave Grohl na produção e bateria, serve como bônus na edição limitada de “Secular Haze”. A pré-venda está disponível no site sueco Begans.se.
Marcadores: GHOST, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:01 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ Pretty Maids: divulgado vídeo oficial de "Mother of All Lies"
Foi divulgado o videoclipe oficial de 'Mother of All Lies".A gravadora Frontiers Records anunciou o lançamento de "Motherland", o novo trabalho de estúdio do Pretty Maids, para 22 de março na Europa e quatro dias depois na América do Norte.
Sucessor do aclamado "Pandemonium" (2010), o mais novo álbum da banda dinamarquesa de Hard Rock contou mais uma vez com as mãos de Jacob Hansen (Volbeat, Amaranthe) na produção.
Tracklist completa de "Motherland":
01. Mother of All Lies
02. To Fool a Nation
03. Confession
04. The Iceman
05. Sad to See You Suffer
06. Hooligan
07. Infinity
08. Why So Serious
09. Motherland
10. I See Ghosts
11. Bullet for You
12. Who What Where When Why
13. Wasted
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, Pretty Maids
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 3:59 AM 0 comentários
21 de jan. de 2013
Lollapalooza 2013 \\ Lollapalloza Brasil 2013 anuncia horários dos shows
Na primeira noite, o headline The Killers subirá ao Palco Cidade Jardim às 21h30. Está programado um show de 1 hora e meia. No mesmo período, o Knife Party fecha o Palco Perry. No segundo dia, no mesmo horário, Black Keys e Steve Aoki fecham os respectivos palcos.
No terceiro e último dia, o Pearl Jam fará o show mais longo do evento. A banda liderada por Eddie Vedder promete enlouquecer os fãs a partir das 20h45. O show está programado para terminas às 23h. No mesmo dia, o Kaskade encerra o Palco Perry, a partir das 21h30.
Confira os horários dos dois principais palcos:
29 de março (sexta)
Palco Cidade Jardim
12h30 – 13h15: Perrosky
14h15 – 15h15: Agridoce
16h15 – 17h15: The Temper Trap
18h30 – 20h: The Flaming Lips
21h30 – 23h: The Killers
Palco Perry
12h30 – 13h30: Bruno Barudi
13h45 – 14h45: Boss in Drama
15h – 16h: Dirtyloud
16h15 – 17h15: Feed Me
17h30 – 18h45: Porter Robinson
19h – 20h15: Red Bull Technostalgia feat Marky & BiD
21h30 - 23h: Knife Party
Palco Butantã
13h15 – 14h15: Holger
15h15 – 16h15: Of Monsters and Men
17h15 – 18h30: Cake
20h – 21h30: Deadmau5
Palco Alternativo
13h15 – 14h15: Tokyo Savannah
15h15 – 16h15: Copacabana Club
17h15 – 18h15: Crystal Castles
20h – 21h15: Passion Pit
30 de março (sábado)
Palco Cidade Jardim
12h30 – 13h30: Stop Play Moon
14h30 – 15h30: Toro y Moi
16h30 – 17h30: Two Door Cinema Club
18h45 – 20h: Queens of the Stone Age
21h30 – 23h: The Black Keys
Palco Perry
13h – 14h: Classic
14h15 – 15h15: William Naraine
15h30 – 16h45: Lenoox
17h – 18h15: Zeds Dead
18h30 – 19h30: Nas
20h – 21h: Madeon
21h30 – 23h: Steve Aoki
Palco Butantã
13h30 – 14h30: Graforréia Xilarmônica
15h30 – 16h30: Tomahawk
17h30 – 18h45: Franz Ferdinand
20h – 21h30: A Perfect Circle
Palco Alternativo
13h30 – 14h30: Ludov
15h30 – 16h30: Gary Clark Jr
17h30 – 18h30: Alabama Shakes
20h – 21h15: Criolo
31 de março (domingo)
Palco Cidade Jardim
12h30 – 13h15: Baia
14h15 – 15h15: Lirinha e Eddie
16h15 – 17h15: Puscifer
18h15 – 19h15: The Hives
20h45 – 23h: Pearl Jam
Palco Perry
12h45 – 13h45: Wehbba
14h – 15h: Database
15h15 – 16h30: Mixhell
16h45 – 18h: Gui Boratto
18h15 – 19h30: Rusko
19h45 – 21h: Major Lazer
21h30 – 23h: Kaskade
Palco Butantã
13h15 – 14h15: Vivendo do Ócio
15h15 – 16h15: Foals
17h15 – 18h15: Kaiser Chiefs
19h15 – 20h45: Planet Hemp
Palco Alternativo
13h15 – 14h15: Wannabe Java
15h15 – 16h15: República
17h15 – 18h15: Vanguart
19h15 – 20h30: Hot Chip
Marcadores: A PERFECT CIRCLE, Agenda, Lollapalooza, Queens of the Stone Age
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:47 AM 0 comentários
Traduza\\ GHOST: Studio Version Of 'I'm A Marionette' Available On SPOTIFY
The studio recording of GHOST's cover version of ABBA's "I'm A Marionette" has been released on Spotify and is now available for streaming in the YouTube clip below. The track, which reportedly features none other than Dave Grohl (FOO FIGHTERS, NIRVANA) handling production duties and sitting behind the drum kit, serves as the B-side of GHOST's strictly limited 10-inch clear vinyl version of its new single, "Secular Haze". You can now pre-order a copy from the Swedish webshop Bengans.se.
In a recent interview with Decibel magazine, one of the Nameless Ghouls stated about GHOST's decision to record an ABBA' cover: "We are Swedish, and ABBA has always been a very, very strong part of our modern musical heritage. We all grew up with their music very present. Not only that — ABBA basically took a few hundred years of traditional Swedish music and made it into pop songs. I'm talking about folk music from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Anybody outside Scandinavia probably isn't familiar with those tones or musical language. But one of the reasons ABBA broke through so enormously first in Sweden was probably because of their folk music influences. I think anyone from Scandinavia is easily infatuated with that sort of music, so ABBA has a deeper meaning to us, I think."
GHOST will release its sophomore album, "Infestissumam", in the spring via Loma Vista Recordings, the new record label founded by Tom Whalley in partnership with Republic Records, a division of Universal Music Group. Frontman Papa Emeritus and his Nameless Ghouls summoned Nashville-based Grammy Award-winning Nick Raskulinecz (DEATH ANGEL, DEFTONES, FOO FIGHTERS, RUSH) to produce this offering.
"Infestissumam" track listing:
01. Infestissumam
02. Per Aspera Ad Inferi
03. Secular Haze
04. Jigolo Har Megiddo
05. Ghuleh / Zombie Queen
06. Year Zero
07. Idolatrine
08. Body And Blood
09. Depth Of Satans Eyes
10. Monstrance Clock
The band's debut album, "Opus Eponymous", was released in late 2010 in Europe and in early 2011 in North America via Rise Above Records.
Marcadores: Foo Fighters, GHOST
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:45 AM 0 comentários
Traduza\\ METALLICA To Perform Entire 'Black' Album At Australia's SOUNDWAVE Festival?
According to Australia's KillYourStereo.com, Soundwave festival promoter AJ Maddah has confirmed that METALLICA will play a two-hour set at this year's event, complete with the "Snakepit" rig, all but confirming that the band's setlist will include the entirety of METALLICA's 1991 self-titled effort.
The last time this rig was used was during METALLICA's 2012 European tour where the LP was played backwards, starting with closing number "The Struggle Within" and ending with "Enter Sandman".
Asked whose idea it was for METALLICA to play the "black" album in reverse on the most recent tour, the band's drummer, Lars Ulrich, told Rolling Stone magazine, "If you like the idea, it was mine. If you don't, it was James' [Hetfield, guitar/vocals]. For better or worse, I'm the setlist guy. This is all subject to change if it doesn't work. But the idea of starting off with the lesser-known songs buried down there and ending up with 'Sad But True' and 'Enter Sandman' seems like a winner. You finish with the money shot, which is the first song."
"Metallica" in 2009 surpassed SHANIA TWAIN's 1997 record, "Come On Over", as the best-selling CD of the SoundScan era. To date, the black album has sold more than 16 million copies in the United States.
Although METALLICA had scored their first radio and video airplay with their previous effort, 1988's "...And Justice For All", the black album was the band's biggest commercial breakthrough, producing five singles and making them into one of the most popular rock bands in the world.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:38 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Nikki Sixx: fazendo as pazes com Tracii Guns após quase 10 anos
Mais de 10 anos depois de terem formado o BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION, e nove depois de terem trocado farpas na internet, NIKKI SIXX [MÖTLEY CRÜE, SIXX: A.M., 58] e TRACII GUNS [L.A. GUNS, HOLLYWOOD ROSE] parecem ter feito as pazes.
Aparentemente, a mão estendida veio de Nikki, que no dia de ontem, 20 de Janeiro, quando o baixista felicitou Guns pelo seu aniversário de 47 anos no Twitter. O cumprimento levou a uma conversa afável de ambos os lados, com direito à troca de memórias dos ‘bons tempos’.
Sixx deixou o Brides of Destruction em 2004 para retomar o então hibernante Crüe, o que deu início a uma sequência de acusações de ambas as partes – e com JOHN CORABI [também ex-membro do BOD] tomando partido de Nikki contra Tracii, cujo suposto ‘ego inflado’ teria deflagrado a implosão da banda.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:36 AM 0 comentários
18 de jan. de 2013
SEFOTEU\\ Madman se fere em incêndio em sua residência
Bombeiros foram chamados à residência de Ozzy, nas colinas de Beverly Hills, por volta de 4:45 da manhã, para combater um incêndio causado por uma vela que não foi apagada antes do casal ir para a cama. A vela foi alojada em um vaso de vidro que supostamente explodiu, causando um pequeno incêndio na sala de estar da casa. Sharon e Ozzy, que havia sido submetido a uma cirurgia na mão na véspera, tentaram apagar as chamas, mas os esforços resultaram em ferimentos leves no vocalista.
Ozzy tentou apagar o fogo com sua mão ainda imobilizada e Sharon jogou água sobre as chamas, fazendo com que elas se espalhassem. A explosão resultante queimou o cabelo de Ozzy até suas orelhas, afetando sombrancelha e bochecha. Sharon e os animais de estimação não sofreram ferimentos.
Sharon descreveu o incidente em seu programa "The Talk", hoje:
"Às cinco da manhã ouvi um ruído de metal caindo. Pensei que era nossa empregada chegando e que tinha deixado cair suas chaves, então, não dei muita importância. Poucos minutos depois, com os olhos cerrados e a garganta fechada, pensei 'tem algo cheirando mal por aqui'.
Então, meu cachorro começou a latir, desci as escadas e a sala inteira estava pegando fogo. A vela tinha queimado e o som era do vidro quebrando e da vela explodindo...
Meu marido fez uma cirurgia em sua mão ontem e está com ela imobilizada... ele desceu e foi como 'oh, fogo, fogo!' E tentou apagá-lo com sua mão debilitada. Então ele abriu as portas francesas e eu fui até a cozinha e joguei água sobre aquilo, e houve uma erupção...
O cabelo de Ozzy (da orelha para baixo) desapareceu! Suas sombrancelhas sumiram... e sua bochechas também foram afetadas. Estávamos como dois idiotas. Tudo o que não deveria ser feito - ir para a cama com velas acesas, abrir as portas e jogar água por cima - nós fizemos.
Eles (os bombeiros) vieram e nos deram uma lição e Ozzy era como 'ela fez isso para mim por 32 anos! Diga a ela, diga a ela, nada de velas mais!'
Peço desculpas ao meu marido porque ele se colocou em perigo. Ele piorou sua mão, ela começou a sangrar. Me desculpe, eu te amo e nunca mais vou acender uma vela novamente...
Quero agradecer aos magníficos bombeiros de Beverly Hills e quero dizer à todos lá fora, por favor, verifiquem suas velas antes de ir para a cama."
Estamos contentes em saber que Ozzy escapou com apenas ferimentos leves. 2013 está apontando para um grande ano da lenda do Metal, BLACK SABBATH, que anunciou recentemente o lançamento de seu novo e aguardado álbum "13", em junho.
Marcadores: OZZY, SEFOTEU, Sharon Osbourne
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 5:50 AM 1 comentários
17 de jan. de 2013
Premiere\\ HARDCORE SUPERSTAR: 'One More Minute' Video Released
Swedish sleaze rockers HARDCORE SUPERSTAR will release their new album, "C'mon Take On Me", in Europe on March 1 via Nuclear Blast Records. The follow-up to 2010's "Split Your Lip" was produced by the bandmembers themselves and mixed by Randy Staub (METALLICA, MÖTLEY CRÜE, THE CULT).
The video for the first single from the album, "One More Minute", can be seen below.
"One More Minute" is available for free download from the Nuclear Blast web site.
"C'mon Take On Me" will be made as a CD in slipcase, as a digital download, on black vinyl and on strictly limited pink vinyl (only available at the Nuclear Blast mailorder).
Commented HARDCORE SUPERSTAR drummer Magnus "Adde" Andreasson: "We came up with the idea [for the 'C'mon Take On Me' cover] during the recordings of the album. It's just so sexy when a woman jumps into a drum kit — what could be more exciting? We discussed the concept with photographer Micke Johansson, who loved the idea. What we especially like about it is the combination of sex and bruises!"
"C'mon Take On Me" track listing:
01. Cutting The Slack
02. C'mon Take On Me
03. One More Minute
04. Above The Law
05. Are You Gonna Cry Now
06. Stranger Of Mine
07. Won't Take The Blame Pt. 1
08. Won't Take The Blame Pt. 2 (Sect Meeting)
09. Dead Man's Shoes
10. Because Of You
11. Too Much Business
12. Long Time No See
HARDCORE SUPERSTAR celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2011 with a best-of album, "The Party Ain't Over 'Til We Say So". The collection contained songs from all the records that the band released between 2000 and 2010 along with a newly written track, "We Don't Need A Cure".
"Split Your Lip" was released in Europe via Nuclear Blast Records except in Scandinavia, where it was made available through Gain Records.
Marcadores: HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 9:26 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ TREMONTI: 'Wish You Well' Video Released
"Wish You Well", the new video from TREMONTI, the band led by CREED and ALTER BRIDGE guitarist Mark Tremonti, can be seen below.
TREMONTI will head out on the road again to bring its debut album, "All I Was", to the fans live around the world. The tour kicks off in Copenhagen, Denmark and runs through March 5, wrapping up at the famed Roxy Theater in West Hollywood, California. The trek will make stops in Berlin, Milan and London, to name a few, before coming back to the U.S. where it will stop in markets such as Pontiac, Minneapolis, Chicago and Seattle, among others.
VAN HALEN bassist Wolfgang Van Halen made his first appearance as part of Tremonti's solo band in September at a show in Rhode Island. This marks the first time Wolfgang has played with anyone outside of his father Eddie, his uncle Alex and singer David Lee Roth.
Asked if he is going to be involved with future TREMONTI tours and recording sessions, Wolfgang told "Robb's MetalWorks", "Yeah, every chance that I have. I'd love to be a part of this. If they'll let me, I guess," he joked.
Wolfgang Van Halen is replacing Tremonti's bandmate from CREED and ALTER BRIDGE, Brian Marshall, who is sitting out the Tremonti trek for undisclosed personal reasons. The other members of Tremonti's touring band include Eric Friedman on guitar and Garrett Whitlock on drums.
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, TREMONTI
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 9:25 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ BUCKCHERRY: 'Gluttony' Video Released
The official video for the song "Gluttony" from Californian rockers BUCKCHERRY can be seen below. The clip was shot in November in Los Angeles, with the band putting out an open casting call for fans to appear in the video.
"Gluttony" is the first single from BUCKCHERRY's sixth studio album, "Confessions", which is due on February 13. The disc will be BUCKCHERRY's first domestic release with new label Century Media Records. The CD will be made available via Eleven Seven Music in other parts of the world.
"It's just about trying to control your behavior," BUCKCHERRY singer Josh Todd tells Loudwire about "Gluttony". "They always say that you have to do everything in moderation and that's never been my experience. One is okay, two is better, three is fantastic and four is the best. I want to consume everything, I want to go big or go home. I'm either on 11 or I'm asleep."
He continued: "That's my problem, that's my struggle, trying to moderate — that's what 'Gluttony' is about. It's like, 'I want it, I need it, I love it' and everything that feels good to me, I want to overdo it. It's just who I am and I don't understand why I can't do it."
"Confessions" is a loose concept album that revolves around the notion of the seven deadly sins and is inspired by events in Todd's childhood.
"Confessions" track listing:
01. Gluttony
02. Wrath
03. Nothing Left But Tears
04. The Truth
05. Greed
06. Water
07. Seven Ways To Die
08. Air
09. Sloth
10. Pride
11. Envy
12. Lust
13. Dreamin' Of You
Todd has helped co-write a short film that will come out around the same time as the album and expand upon the record's themes. It's not clear yet how the film will be distributed.
Todd said that "Confessions" is "definitely a heavier, musically, record than we've ever had, and more melodic. It's pretty intense, but everybody's gonna love it. It's quintessential BUCKCHERRY at the end of the day."
The band will join KID ROCK as special guests on his upcoming "Rebel Soul" tour, beginning February 2 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Marcadores: Buckcherry, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 3:51 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ Krokus Debut "Dirty Dynamite" Video
On February 22nd Krokus will release their 17th studio album entitled 'Dirty Dynamite' and have posted a music video for the first single and title track.
For almost 40 years now Krokus has stood for high-quality, honest-to-goodness, hand-made power rock. No other Swiss rock band sells albums and its back catalogue worldwide like Krokus. The band has already sold over 14 million records, toured the world and received gold and platinum record awards. The milestones in their rock career are dotted around the world: from Australia and the USA to Canada, Mexico, Russia, Japan and Chin.
But it hasn't all been one long "high": death, sickness and internal strife have pushed the band to the brink of collapse. The story of Krokus is like no other. Dotted with highs and lows, sell-out stadium concerts and sweaty club gigs, these five musketeers of rock have outlasted trends and survived treacherous US managers, tough splits, bad deals, shady lawyers, drugs, awful fast food, endless bus trips, disco, grunge, grotesque record companies and double-dealing advisors.
Today they are back in their classic line-up -- Marc Storace, Chris von Rohr, Fernando von Arb, Mark Kohler, and Mandy Meyer -- and are stronger than ever on their new album 'Dirty Dynamite'. Guest musician Kosta Zafiriou plays drums on the entire album. The band spent a whole two years working on the new album under the watchful eye of bassist and original founder Chris Von Rohr. "We didn't spend all that time on golf courses or tennis courts. No, we just wanted to make the best album yet, the magnum opus of the new Krokus era" says the hit producer. Guitarist Mark Kohler has this to add, "This is not just another Krokus album. I think we have definitely passed another rock milestone with this record."
To reach this goal, no expense was spared. The band booked into the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London. Krokus went back to their roots, back to where it all began with the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, the Free, the Who and the Bluesbreakers. Back to where the band headlined concerts in the Hammersmith Odeon, celebrating their first international success. "The atmosphere there is very special and we wanted to make the most of that," says vocalist Marc Storace. Guitarist Fernando Von Arb is quick to add, "With Dirty Dynamite we have recorded the urgently needed dirty kind of rock that no one plays in this country."
'Dirty Dynamite' track listing:
01. Hallelujah Rock'n'Roll
02. Go Baby Go
03. Rattlesnake Rumble
04. Dirty Dynamite
05. Let The Good Times Roll
06. Help
07. Better Than Sex
08. Dog Song
09. Yellow Mary
10. Bailout Blues
11. Live Ma Life
12. Hardrocking Man
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, KROKUS
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 3:47 AM 0 comentários
16 de jan. de 2013
Traduza\\ DAVE GROHL Featured On GHOST's Cover Version Of ABBA's 'I'm A Marionette'
Swedish webshop Bengans.se, which delivers to every country in the world, is accepting preorders for the strictly limited 10-inch clear vinyl version of "Secular Haze", the new single from the mysterious Swedish buzz band GHOST. Featured on the single's B-side is GHOST's cover version of ABBA's "I'm A Marionette" with none other than Dave Grohl (FOO FIGHTERS, NIRVANA) handling production duties and sitting behind the drum kit.
In a recent interview with Decibel magazine, one of the Nameless Ghouls stated about GHOST's decision to record an ABBA' cover: "We are Swedish, and ABBA has always been a very, very strong part of our modern musical heritage. We all grew up with their music very present. Not only that — ABBA basically took a few hundred years of traditional Swedish music and made it into pop songs. I'm talking about folk music from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Anybody outside Scandinavia probably isn't familiar with those tones or musical language. But one of the reasons ABBA broke through so enormously first in Sweden was probably because of their folk music influences. I think anyone from Scandinavia is easily infatuated with that sort of music, so ABBA has a deeper meaning to us, I think."
GHOST will release its sophomore album, "Infestissumam", in the spring via Loma Vista Recordings, the new record label founded by Tom Whalley in partnership with Republic Records, a division of Universal Music Group. Frontman Papa Emeritus and his Nameless Ghouls summoned Nashville-based Grammy Award-winning Nick Raskulinecz (DEATH ANGEL, DEFTONES, FOO FIGHTERS, RUSH) to produce this offering.
"Infestissumam" track listing:
01. Infestissumam
02. Per Aspera Ad Inferi
03. Secular Haze
04. Jigolo Har Megiddo
05. Ghuleh / Zombie Queen
06. Year Zero
07. Idolatrine
08. Body And Blood
09. Depth Of Satans Eyes
10. Monstrance Clock
The band's debut album, "Opus Eponymous", was released in late 2010 in Europe and in early 2011 in North America via Rise Above Records.
Marcadores: Foo Fighters, GHOST
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:16 AM 1 comentários
15 de jan. de 2013
Premiere\\ NEWSTED: 'Soldierhead' Video Released
"Soldierhead", the first video from NEWSTED, the band fronted by former METALLICA, VOIVOD and FLOTSAM AND JETSAM bassist Jason Newsted, can be seen below. Directed by Leon Melas, the clip was filmed on December 15, 2012 in an abandoned factory in California.
In a recent interview with Sonic Excess, Newsted stated about the video shoot: "It's just a simple thing, and I just wanted to capture the band. There is no heavy concept, no literal thing about bullets chasing your head or any of those things. It's old-school metal and most likely will be black and white. It was shot in an old factory. It was a gnarly, dusty, old factory and it had energy. That is what I will describe it as. I haven't got to play to the camera like that for a long time, and I was really going for it. The soldier version is something everyone will have. An HD version will be available on iTunes, but I want everyone to have it for free across the world. I want it to be the tip of the spear for everybody to see and hear what exactly it's all about."
"Soldierhead" was premiered on the December 17, 2012 edition of the "Eddie Trunk Live" show on SiriusXM satellite radio. The song comes off NEWSTED's four-song EP, entitled "Metal", which was released on January 8 exclusively via iTunes. The EP will be made available as a physical CD on January 15.
"Metal" contains the following tracks:
* Soldierhead
* Godsnake
* King Of The Underdogs
* Skyscraper
By purchasing all four songs, you will receive a copy of Jason's handwritten lyrics.
Jason Newsted - Bass, Lead Vocals
Jessie Farnsworth - Guitar, Backing Voice
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, Jason Newsted, NEWSTED
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:15 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ Assista ao novo videoclipe do L.A. Guns, "Requiem (Hollywood Forever)"
O L.A. Guns lançou nesta segunda-feira, 14, o videoclipe de “Requiem (Hollywood Forever)”. A faixa integra o novo álbum do grupo, “Hollywood Forever”, previsto para o dia 05 de junho.
O trabalho foi gravado com o produtor Andy Johns, que já assinou gravações dos Rolling Stones, Van Halen e Led Zeppelin. Johns produziu os três últimos álbuns do L.A. Guns.
Confira a ‘tracklist’ de "Hollywood Forever":
01. Hollywood Forever
02. You Better Not Love Me
03. Sweet Mystery
04. Eel Pie
05. Burn
06. Requiem (Hollywood Forever)
07. I Won't Play
08. Vine St. Shimmy
09. Araña Negra
10. Gonna Take You Down
11. Queenie
12. Underneath The Sun
13. Venus Bomb
14. Dirty Black Night
15. Rattlesnake
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, L.A. GUNS
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:22 AM 0 comentários
MEDA \\ AXL ROSE Carries Walking Stick While Attending GOLDEN GLOBE Afterparty
PopCandies TV briefly spoke to GUNS N' ROSES lead singer Axl Rose last night (Sunday, January 13) as he was exiting the Golden Globe Awards afterparty while carrying a walking stick at the Sunset Towers in West Hollywood, California. Check out the footage below. Photos can be found at Zimbio.com.
GUNS N' ROSES completed its first-ever residency in November when the band played 12 shows at the Joint in the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. The "Appetite For Democracy" lasted through November 24, with the band playing a setlist exclusively created for these shows.
The concerts featured the current lineup of the band, of which Rose is the only original member.
Rose made his first live sit-down TV appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" in October to plug the band's shows in Las Vegas. During his chat, Rose also talked about how he puts up a Halloween tree to mess with the neighborhood kids.
Marcadores: GUNS N' ROSES, MEDA
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:19 AM 0 comentários
14 de jan. de 2013
Rocknews\\ Helloween: Michael Kiske não se reunirá com o grupo
"Eu acabei de conversar com Michael Kiske e ele confirmou que não tem absolutamente NENHUM interesse no que certas pessoas estão sonhando alto em um monte de entrevistas, sobre uma possível reunião com H. [nota do tradutor: Helloween] ou besteiras similares. Não se preocupem"
Ao que parece, Kiske não quer nem sequer escrever o nome da banda em sua página oficial, quanto menos participar de uma reunião! :)
Marcadores: Helloween, UNISONIC
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 3:49 AM 0 comentários
CIRCLE PIT \\ Emmure no Brasil 2013: infos sobre ingressos para show em São Paulo
A banda passará por Santiago, Buenos Aires e São Paulo, onde fará a sua única apresentação no Brasil.
Informações gerais:
March 17, 2013
17/03 (domingo) Abertura da casa:18h00
EMMURE (Estados Unicos)
Banda de abertura a confirmar
Rua Augusta, 501
São Paulo - SP
0xx11 3120-4140
Ingressos (à venda a partir de 16/01):
R$60 (pista - primeiro lote - estudante/meia entrada e promocional)
R$70 (pista - segundo lote - estudante/meia entrada e promocional)
Local da venda antecipada:
LOJA 255 (Galeria do Rock, Rua 24 de Maio, 62, primeiro andar, loja 255, São Paulo-SP,fone: 0xx11 3361-6951).
Venda de ingressos pela internet:
Realização: Liberation Tour Booking
Informações gerais: info@liberationmc.com
Faixa etária: menores de 14 anos somente acompanhados de responsável.
Sites relacionados:
Marcadores: Agenda, CIRCLE PIT, EMMURE
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 3:21 AM 0 comentários
11 de jan. de 2013
Rocknews\\ Anthrax: Jon Donais assume cargo de guitarrista temporariamente
"Jon é um brother e também um completo rasgador," disse Scott Ian. "Eu trabalhei com ele em duas oportunidades em projetos paralelos e ele arrasa. Estou animado de tê-lo do meu lado botando fogo no palco. com o anthrax. 2013 vai ser um bom ano."
"Eu cresci com o Anthrax, eles são a cena thrash, eles são um dos Big Four, eu seria louco se não quisesse tocar com eles." disse Donais. "Primeiro Rob me ligou e disse que estava deixando a banda, e perguntou se eu estava interessado na vaga. Depois Scott me ligou e tudo se ajustou. Rob e eu estamos usando Skype para trabalhar nos solos e outras partes de guitarra, então ele tem sido ótimo. Eu também tenho de agradecer a minha banda, Brian, Matt, Jason e Ed - que apoiaram incrivelmente e me encorajaram a fazer isso."
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:09 AM 5 comentários
Premiere\\ BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE: 'Riot' Video Released
"Riot", the new video from Welsh metallers BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE, can be seen below. The clip was filmed in November in New York City with renowned director P.R. Brown, who has previously worked with such artists as MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, John Mayer, Alicia Keys, Carrie Underwood, Prince, AUDIOSLAVE, MÖTLEY CRÜE and SIXX: A.M. The track will be available at all digital providers on January 15.
"Riot" comes off BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE's fourth studio album, "Temper Temper", which is scheduled for release on February 12. The LP will be available in both standard and deluxe editions on RCA Records.
"Temper Temper" was once again produced by Don Gilmore (LINKIN PARK, GOOD CHARLOTTE), who worked on the group's last LP, 2010's "Fever", and was mixed by noted engineer Chris Lord-Alge (DEFTONES, NICKELBACK, AVENGED SEVENFOLD).
BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE frontman Matt Tuck recently revealed that the band's recording process on this album was influenced in part by his work in his side project AXEWOUND. "We approached the record a lot differently this time around," he said. "It was kind of more inspired by the way I did the AXEWOUND record. And that was basically: Get in the studio and write and record as you went along."
"Temper Temper" track listing:
01. Breaking Point
02. Truth Hurts
03. Temper Temper
04. Pow
05. Dirty Little Secret
06. Leech
07. Dead To The World
08. Riot
09. Saints n Sinners
10. Tears Don't Fall (Part 2)
11. Livin Life (On The Edge of A Knife)
Deluxe-edition bonus tracks:
12. Not Invincible
13. Whole Lotta Rosie (from the "Live Lounge" show on BBC Radio 1)
14. Scream Aim Fire (from the "Live Lounge" show on BBC Radio)
The "Temper Temper" title track was released on November 25 across all digital providers.
BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE will embark on a U.K. tour in March. Support on all dates will come from HALESTORM.
Marcadores: BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 9:02 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ SHAKRA: 'Wonderful Life' Video Released
Swiss rockers SHAKRA have just released their new album, "Powerplay", via AFM Records.
According to a press release, "Powerplay" is "the most varied SHAKRA album to date. In addition to major ballads and earthy rock songs, it also includes more opulent tracks."
"Powerplay" track listing:
01. Life Is Now
02. The Mask
03. Higher
04. Wonderful Life
05. Dear Enemy
06. Save You From Yourself
07. Don't Keep Me Hanging
08. Dream Of Mankind
09. Stevie
10. Because Of You
11. Secret Hideaway
12. Too Good To Be True
The "Wonderful Life" video can be seen below.
Vocals: John Prakesh
Guitar: Thom Blunier
Guitar: Thomas Muster
Bass: Dominik Pfister
Drums: Roger Tanner
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, SHAKRA
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 8:58 AM 0 comentários
Souvenirs\\ IRON MAIDEN: Model Replica Of Plane Used On 2009 'Somewhere Back In Time' Tour Available
ModelBuffs, a one-stop factory source for handmade museum quality wood model airplanes and wooden helicopter models, hasd released a replica of IRON MAIDEN's Boeing 757-200 Astraeus which was used for the band's 2009 "Somewhere Back In Time World Tour".
Body Length - 17.00 inches (43.20 cm)
Span - 13.70 inches (34.80 cm)
Height - 4.90 inches (12.40 cm)
Scale - 1:110
Aircraft Registration: G-OJIB
Says Modelbuffs: "The scale model aircraft exhibits unique, unrivalled quality and detailed design to come as close as possible to the accuracy of the actual plane. It comes standard with a robust , durable base or stand which is available in a variety of different finishes designed to match your own personal requirements including solid wood, wood with polished chrome steel supports or adjustable wood wall mount and will be ready within about eight weeks from placement of order.
"The Boeing 757-200 Astraeus IRON MAIDEN model airplane is made of the finest kiln dried renewable mahogany wood (commonly known as Lauan or Meranti) which has undergone many stages of carving and meticulous and careful sanding giving the beautiful finished museum quality masterpiece.
"Many collectors and model connoisseurs demonstrate their preference for genuine handmade and hand painted mahogany wood models rather than plastic, resin or die cast (diecast) alternatives due to the overall look and totally different feel of the item. Our craftsmen and gifted artisans ensure that our finely handcrafted model airplanes match the precise blueprint details of the original aircraft. The Boeing 757-200 Astraeus IRON MAIDEN model aircrafts paint scheme, markings and parts are closely matched, reflecting the original Boeing 757-200 Astraeus IRON MAIDEN.
"This top-quality Boeing 757-200 Astraeus IRON MAIDEN replica will surely enthral anyone who receives this stylish desktop display as a gift.
"This Boeing 757-200 Astraeus IRON MAIDEN model plane is for sure one of the most appropriate and desirably collectable gifts for every aviation enthusiast and avid aircraft collector whilst also displaying a perfect resemblance to the actual Boeing 757-200 Astraeus IRON MAIDEN."
Marcadores: Iron Maiden, Souvenirs
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 8:57 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ Alice In Chains lança videoclipe para "Hollow"
O Alice in Chains lançou nesta quinta-feira (10) o videoclipe da faixa "Hollow", ‘single’ de seu próximo disco, ainda sem título e com lançamento previsto para o meio do ano.
O novo álbum, sucessor de “Black Gives Way To Blue”, será o segundo com o vocalista William DuVall, que substituiu Layne Staley, morto em 2002.
Marcadores: Alice in Chains, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:12 AM 1 comentários
CIRCLE PIT \\ ASKING ALEXANDRIA Guitarist Says New Album Sounds Like Mix Of 'Old SLIPKNOT' And MÖTLEY CRÜE
British metalcore act ASKING ALEXANDRIA has completed work on its third album with renowned producer Joey Sturgis (THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, EMMURE) at the Foundation Recording Studios in Indiana and NRG in Hollywood for an early 2013 release via Sumerian Records. Guitarist Ben Bruce confirmed to GuitarWorld.com that, as previously reported, the sound of the material falls somewhere between SLIPKNOT and MÖTLEY CRÜE. "There's a lot of heavy riffage on this record, whereas in the past we relied more on rhythms and breakdowns," he said. "So in that respect it's very much like old SLIPKNOT. But then the choruses and a lot of the bridges are more rock-based, which is our MÖTLEY CRÜE side."
Bruce was quick to add, however: "The album is by no means a regurgitation of the Eighties. If kids buy this record thinking it's going to sound like [MÖTLEY CRÜE's 1987 effort] 'Girls, Girls, Girls', it doesn't fucking sound like 'Girls, Girls, Girls'. It sounds like ASKING ALEXANDRIA."
Bruce previously told Billboard.com that that the follow-up to 2011's "Reckless & Relentless" will contain 13-15 songs, six of which will be "radio-friendly" while the rest will be "our usual balls-to-the-wall kind of stuff."
Regarding the lyrical direction of ASKING ALEXANDRIA's new material, Bruce told GuitarWorld.com: "It's a lot more mature than anything we've done before. It's not so much about partying and fucking random girls and doing drugs and stuff. We've actually taken the time to write something that's truly meaningful to us. The last two records were great, and we loved them, but we were different people then. We were a lot younger and had less experience. When you compare the albums, it will definitely show how much we've grown."
Marcadores: Asking Alexandria, CIRCLE PIT
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:06 AM 0 comentários
SWEDEN 2013 \\ Asia: novo guitarrista e novo álbum em 2013
2012 foi um ano para se lembrar para o ASIA, com o lançamento o aclamado álbum “XXX” [Triplo X], marcando o 30º aniversário da banda, mas 2013 também parece ter sua importância. John Wetton, Geoff Downes e Carl Palmer estão felizes em anunciar que eles não somente têm alguém incrivelmente talentoso para ocupar o lugar do guitarrista Steve Howe, mas também que seu primeiro show internacional com o novato Sam Coulson será uma performance de alto nível no Sweden Rock Festival. Em adição, um novo álbum de estúdio, intitulado “Valkyrie”, será gravado em parceria com a Frontiers Recors durante este ano.
John Wetton disse: “O ASIA está pronto para dar o próximo passo neste incrível estrada. Nós mal podemos esperar para tocar de novo para nossos fãs e revelar algo de nosso novo material, com o qual estamos muito orgulhosos.”
Geoff Dones comentou: “Estamos ansiosos para escrever outro capítulo na história do ASIA.”
Carl Palmer disse: “Estamos ansiosos para mais uma década de grande música para o ASIA.”
Marcadores: ASIA, Sweden Rock Festival
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:05 AM 0 comentários
10 de jan. de 2013
Premiere\\ T&N: 'Slave To The Empire' Video Released
"Slave To The Empire", the new video from T&N (formerly TOOTH AND NAIL), the new project featuring current and former members of DOKKEN, can be seen below. The song is the title track of the band's debut album, which contains seven new original songs and five re-recorded classic DOKKEN songs that feature sensational vocal performances by Tim "Ripper" Owens (YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, JUDAS PRIEST, ICED EARTH, DIO DISCIPLES), Doug Pinnick (KING'S X), Sebastian Bach (SKID ROW) and Robert Mason (WARRANT, LYNCH MOB). The drum tracks on the new, original compositions were laid down by Brian Tichy (WHITESNAKE, FOREIGNER).
"Slave To The Empire" track listing:
01. Slave To The Empire
02. Sweet Unknown
03. Tooth And Nail (feat. Doug Pinnick)
04. It's Not Love (feat. Robert Mason)
05. Rhythm Of The Soul
06. When Eagles Die
07. Into The Fire (Jeff Pilson)
08. Alone Again (feat. Sebastian Bach)
09. Mind Control
10. Kiss Of Death (feat. Tim "Ripper" Owens)
11. Jesus Train
12. Access Denied
Last year, T&N was forced to shorten its name from TOOTH AND NAIL for legal reasons. The band stated, "We cannot keep [the name] as TOOTH AND NAIL as there is a label that has it trademarked. [Fans] can still call us TO$%H AND NA$L... We can't."
Regarding how T&N came together, Pilson said in an August 2011 interview, "The DOKKEN [original lineup] reunion has been scrapped, and I take a lot of the initial responsibility for that because of my schedule and commitment to FOREIGNER. . . Then George asked me about working with him on the next LYNCH MOB record — and I jumped at the chance. He and I started writing, got into a groove and wrote an album's worth of stuff, all with the intention of Oni [Logan, LYNCH MOB singer] writing lyrics and it being their next record. Brian Tichy laid down some incredible drums at his studio (and co-wrote some music on one track) and we had an incredibly strong start. Then Oni just wasn't feeling the music as being LYNCH MOB, so it was shelved. We figured it'd be the start of another LYNCH/PILSON record some day. Then, actually, it was Brian who had the idea that Mick, George and I should do a band, similar to what HEAVEN & HELL was to BLACK SABBATH, and call it TOOTH AND NAIL. Because of everything else we have going, it'll be just a recording project at first, but sure sounds fun. We'd record the classics keeping true to the originals but make them fresh and organic. Then the idea of doing new songs came up, and it grew from there."
He added, "I have absolute belief that the music George and I make together (along with Brian Tichy in this case) is real and inspired, and that's what it's really all about. So out of a mess of a reunion attempt, I think we'll end up with a really fabulous record, and what could be better than that?"
When asked if T&N is basically DOKKEN without Don, Pilson said, "Don is, and will always be, the singer of DOKKEN and an invaluable part of the DOKKEN chemistry. No one ever wants to take that away or dispute it one iota. But the three of us do have time tested amazing chemistry, and because we were writers on these songs, I feel we have a lot to express. If anything I think this will be a show of respect for Don, not some kind of competition. I only hope people enjoy it in the spirit for which it's intended . . . Don't think of this as DOKKEN without Don... that's misleading. Think of it as a band with great chemistry coming up with new music that excites them, and also paying tribute to DOKKEN — music which the members all are heavily invested in emotionally."
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, Tooth and Nail
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 9:08 AM 0 comentários
Rocknews\\ Steve Harris: anunciadas datas da turnê do British Lion
Foram disponibilizadas no site oficial do IRON MAIDEN as datas da turnê de promoção do àlbum British Lion do baixista STEVE HARRIS.
Fevereiro 2013
Março 2012
Em nota,o baixista comentou sobre a turnê: "Eu amo turnês e shows ao vivo e eu estou muito animado sobre a turnê com o Brithish Lion. É fantástico chegar lá e mais uma vez experimentar a vibração pura de pequenos clubes com os fãs bem na frente e na sua cara. Eu acho que os fãs vão apreciar também. É emocionante voltar às raízes, e vai ser fantástico. Estamos levando isso para todos os clubes da Europa, com shows de clube a preços de clube, quente, suado e alto. Nós não temos idéia de quantas pessoas vão nos ver, obviamente, a banda é muito recente e muito nova. Então temos mantido os locais pequenos com bilhetes tão baratos quanto possível."
Marcadores: Steve Harris
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 9:06 AM 0 comentários
Premiere\\ SHOT AT DAWN: 'White Trash Metal Brigade' Video Released
"White Trash Metal Brigade", the new video from Norwegian metallers SHOT AT DAWN, can be seen below. According to a press release, the clip " is in the same style as the track and is simply a party video filmed on a sweaty August night at DeVilles in Oslo, Norway."
"White Trash Metal Brigade" is the title track of SHOT AT DAWN's sophomore album, which was released in June 2012 via Negative Vibe Records. The CD features a guest vocal appearance by Pål Mathiesen (a.k.a. Athera) of SUSPERIA on two tracks.
"White Trash Metal Brigade" track listing:
01. Crush Your Enemies (intro)
02. Battle Royale
03. Welcome To Your Destruction
04. Stop At Nothing
05. White Trash Metal Brigade
06. Shaping Tomorrow
07. Written In Scars
08. Revenge Is a Dish Served In Warm Blood
09. Black Venom
10. Thunders From the North
The song "Welcome To Your Destruction" can be streamed in the YouTube clip below.
SHOT AT DAWN's last release was the "Seize The Night" EP, which came out in 2010.
Jonathan Kjeldsen - Vocals
Christopher Marchand - Guitar
Åge "Ogee" Trøite - Guitar
Espen Hagås - Bass
Aki Johannes Viitala - Drums
Marcadores: In Metal we trust, SHOT AT DAWN
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 9:04 AM 0 comentários
8 de jan. de 2013
LISTAS\\ VAN HALEN, AEROSMITH, RUSH, METALLICA Among North America's Top-Grossing Tours Last Year
VAN HALEN, AEROSMITH, RUSH, METALLICA and IRON MAIDEN are among the hard rock/heavy metal artists who made Pollstar's 2012 Top 200 North American Tour chart.
According to Pollstar, there was more than a five percent rise in ticket sales, with 36.7 million sold in 2012 compared to the previous year's 34.74 million. The 2012 average ticket price was $68.76, or an increase of $1.54 over 2011's average price of $67.22. In addition, more than half of Pollstar's Top 10 earners in North America averaged prices above the $100 mark.
Some of the hard rock/heavy metal artists who made Pollstar's 2012 Top 200 North American Tour chart:
#8: VAN HALEN - $49.9 million gross (50 shows)
#23: AEROSMITH - $31.0 million gross (33 shows)
#33: RUSH - $27.5 million gross (36 shows)
#36: JOURNEY - $25.8 million gross (57 shows)
#46: METALLICA - $21.0 million gross (15 shows)
#48 KISS/MÖTLEY CRÜE - $19.1 million gross (41 shows)
#59: IRON MAIDEN - $16.1 million gross (30 shows)
#64: DEF LEPPARD/POISON - $14.1 million gross (41 shows)
#99: TOOL - $8.1 million gross (18 shows)
#109: RAMMSTEIN - $7.2 million gross
#115: SCORPIONS - $6.9 million gross
#126: STYX/REO SPEEDWAGON/TED NUGENT - $6.5 million gross
#143: GUNS N' ROSES - $5.7 million gross
#152: BOSTON - $5.2 million gross
#163: JANE'S ADDICTION - $4.6 million gross
#180: MEGADETH's Gigantour - $3.9 million gross
#197: MÖTLEY CRÜE - $3.0 million gross
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 11:27 AM 7 comentários
Premiere\\ HATEBREED: 'Put It To The Torch' Video Released
"Put It To The Torch", the new video from Connecticut hardcore/metal masters HATEBREED, can be seen below. The clip was directed by Justin Reich (BLACK LABEL SOCIETY). The song comes off the band's latest CD, "The Divinity Of Purpose", whicih is available for pre-order on iTunes (in the United States and Canada). When fans pre-order the album, they'll also receive an instant download of "Put It To The Torch".
"The Divinity Of Purpose" will be released on January 29 in North America via Razor & Tie and on January 25 in Europe through Nuclear Blast. The CD was co-produced by HATEBREED, Chris "Zeuss" Harris (SUICIDE SILENCE, ALL THAT REMAINS, SHADOWS FALL) and Josh Wilbur (LAMB OF GOD, AVENGED SEVENFOLD), with Wilbur also handling mixing duties. The cover artwork was created and illustrated by Eliran Kantor (TESTAMENT, ATHEIST, SIGH, ANACRUSIS, GWAR) and can be seen below.
"The Divinity Of Purpose" track listing:
01. Put It To the Torch
02. Honor Never Dies
03. Own Your World
04. The Language
05. Before The Fight Ends You
06. Indivisible
07. Dead Man Breathing
08. The Divinity Of Purpose
09. Nothing Scars Me
10. Bitter Truth
11. Boundless (Time To Murder It)
12. Idolized And Vilified
Regarding the musical direction of the new HATEBREED material, singer Jamey Jasta told "Maximum Threshold", "We did enough experimenting, I think, on the last record… A lot of people really liked that record and it did gain us a lot of new fans, but on this record, with the 10-year anniversary of [HATEBREED's 2002 album] 'Perseverance' and with Wayne [Lozinak, guitar] being back in the band — this will be his second record with us — it's just fun to kind of keep with the old-school influences. I hear more CRO-MAGS and KILLING TIME and SHEER TERROR and OBITUARY and BOLT THROWER and SLAYER and ENTOMBED and those kind of '80s and '90s influences in there. Which is fun for us, because we emulate the bands that we love. We try to make it our own sound and make it our own style, but at the end of the day, we're just fans of those styles of bands."
"The Divinity Of Purpose" will be supported by extensive global touring that will stretch well into 2014.
Marcadores: HATEBREED, In Metal we trust
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 4:22 AM 0 comentários
7 de jan. de 2013
Rocknews\\ Andre Matos: "Angels Cry" será tocado na íntegra em nova turnê
2013 é um ano especial para Andre Matos. O vocalista, acompanhado de sua banda solo, dará início à turnê de lançamento do novo álbum "The Turn of the Lights" com uma atração extra para os fãs: a banda irá executar o álbum Angels Cry na íntegra.
Lançado em 1993, Angels Cry foi o álbum de estreia de Andre Matos em sua recém-criada banda Angra. O vocalista, apesar da pouca idade, já havia realizado dois discos de sucesso com o grupo Viper, e estudava piano clássico, composição e regência. Além de gravar os vocais e teclados em todas as faixas, Andre Matos foi o compositor e arranjador de nove das dez faixas do álbum, incluindo Carry On, que veio a se tornar um clássico do metal mundial. Com sua combinação inovadora de power metal, progressivo, ritmos e elementos da música clássica, Angels Cry tornou-se um grande sucesso internacional e posicionou o grupo brasileiro entre as principais bandas de power metal do mundo em sua época.
Andre Matos, que recentemente lançou o álbum "The Turn of the Lights" em mais de 30 países, inicia sua nova turnê em março de 2013. O vocalista e sua banda prometem um show completo, que consistirá de duas partes: na primeira, as músicas do novo disco e os sucessos de toda a carreira incluindo as fases Viper, Shaman e banda solo - e na segunda, o álbum Angels Cry tocado na íntegra, celebrando os 20 anos de um momento único que entrou para a História.
Mais informações em www.andrematos.net.
Promotores de shows, entrar em contato pelo e-mail rockshowbizz@gmail.com.
Marcadores: Agenda, Andre Matos, ANGRA, SHAMAN, VIPER
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 10:13 AM 0 comentários
5 de jan. de 2013
SEFOTEU\\ It's Official: BLEEDING THROUGH To Disband
It's official: California metallers BLEEDING THROUGH are calling it a day. Prior to going their separate ways, they will embark on one final tour spanning North America, Europe and Australia.
The Orange County band began 14 years ago, embarking on countless international tours, inspiring multiple logo/lyric tattoos on rabid supporters, releasing no less than seven studio albums and two DVDs and changing the face of heavy music alongside the rest of the NWOAHM (New Wave Of American Heavy Metal).
BLEEDING THROUGH participated in two Ozzfests, Vans Warped Tour, MTV2's Headbanger's Ball Tour, Australia's Soundwave festival, Europe's Never Say Die! and more. They've supported bands like SLAYER, MARILYN MANSON, BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE, AFI, HIM and MACHINE HEAD. Over the years, they headlined the Strhess Tour and other package tours. Their U.S. headlining trek in support of "The Truth" featured support from EVERY TIME I DIE, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME and HASTE THE DAY and sold out two nights back to back at the Anaheim House Of Blues.
BLEEDING THROUGH has been featured on the cover of magazines like Outburn and Metal Edge. Alternative Press included their albums in "Most Anticipated" lists and Revolver twice featured keyboardist Marta Peterson on the cover of their "Hottest Chicks in Metal" issues.
The band's breakthrough album, "This is Love, This is Murderous", sold close to 150,000 copies in the U.S. alone. The follow-up CD, "The Truth", sold over 17,000 copies in its first week of releae in January 2006. They worked with producers Ulrich Wild (STATIC-X), Rob Caggiano (ANTHRAX), Devin Townsend (MISERY SIGNALS, GWAR, LAMB OF GOD) and Chris "Zeuss" Harris (MUNICIPAL WASTE) over the years.
BLEEDING THROUGH began as a side-project for then-EIGHTEEN VISIONS guitarist Brandan Schieppati, whose lyrics and persona remained the consistent voice through the band's evolving lineup. "Dust To Ashes" was issued by Prime Directive in 2001. Brian Leppke (guitar) and Derek Youngsma (drums) joined for the following year's "Portrait Of The Goddess" on Indecision. Ryan Wombacher (bass) and Peterson had come onboard by the time "This Is Love..." was issued in 2003. Lead guitarist Scott Danough was the last founding member (aside from Schieppati) to part ways with the band sometime after the release of "The Truth". Dave Nassie (ex-NO USE FOR A NAME) contributed a guest solo to 2008's "Declaration" and was an official member by the time the band released their 2010 self-titled album on Rise Records. Last year, Rise released "The Great Fire".
"This is Love..." and "The Truth" were released internationally through Roadrunner. "Declaration" was issued overseas by Nuclear Blast. In North America, those albums were handled by Trustkill. BLEEDING THROUGH's struggles with Trustkill Records became public in 2008. Trustkill eventually filed for bankruptcy, reportedly owing significant sums to BLEEDING THROUGH, THROWDOWN and other bands.
Through it all, BLEEDING THROUGH always relied on their fans, who often shared stories with how much their music had helped them, in turn.
In an exclusive statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET, Schieppati had this to say regarding the band's decision to wrap things up with BLEEDING THROUGH with final tours in 2013:
"When you have some success doing something that you love, you never really think about writing a statement about that something coming to an end. Well, that dream that we have had as BLEEDING THROUGH has come to an end.
"I think I can speak for the rest of my bandmates in saying that we always hoped it would end on our terms, and it has.
"We have been fortunate to have a strong fan base worldwide and have brought joy to many and pissed off many more.
"BLEEDING THROUGH was always a band that wore the emotion of the music on our sleeves. We cared about everyone like family that ever took the time to listen to our band, support our merchandise and go to our shows.
"Since 1999, we have been blessed to be able to tour the world, record seven records with some great musical minds, tour with amazing bands and people, work with people with character such as management, booking agents and road crew. Most importantly, we made lasting friends from this journey.
"We have been honored to be part of a expanding the musical movement of heavy music and hope to be remembered as a benchmark and pioneer of a specific style of music.
"We have been a band since 1999, and many of us just had life catch up with us in the way of marriages, kids, businesses and other endeavors. We can no longer dedicate what we need to to keep BLEEDING THROUGH going.
"Personally, I feel doing this band in a part-time fashion is not what this band is about and and feel like we have always been an all-or-nothing band. With that being said, and because we have established a worldwide following over the last 14 years, we want to give us and those people one more chance to share in this music together. We are setting up farewell tours. Dates will be up and promoted very soon.
"To those who supported this band: It has been an honor."
The other members of BLEEDING THROUGH will issue personal letters via social-networking sites as well, so stay tuned.
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 7:46 AM 0 comentários
SEFOTEU\\ Guitarrista Rob Caggiano anuncia saída do Anthrax
Rob Cagianno entrou no Anthrax em 2001 e ficou até 2005. Em 2007, o músico retornou a trabalhar com o grupo e permaneceu até o começo deste ano. Em um comunicado, Cagianno disse que está "extremamente orgulhoso do tempo que passou com a banda".
"Esta é uma decisão extremamente difícil e emocional para mim, mas meu coração quer ir em uma direção diferente agora. Sempre segui meu coração em tudo o que eu faço e, enquanto isso pode ser um dos decisões mais difíceis da minha vida, parece ser o caminho certo para mim neste momento".
"Scott Ian, Charlie Benante, Joey Belladonna, Frankie e John Bush sempre serão parte da minha família e esta decisão não muda a forma como me sinto sobre eles. Gostaria também de agradecer a todos os fãs incríveis que eu já conheci em todo o mundo ao longo dos anos. Vocês sempre foram e sempre serão o razão pela qual eu faço música! Nos dias de hoje e com a minha idade, ser um músico nem sempre é fácil, mas os fãs realmente fazer valer a pena para mim. Espero ver todos e cada um de vocês de novo muito em breve".
O Anthrax está se preparando para uma nova turnê para 2013 e será a principal atração do festival Metal Alliance Tour junto com o Exodus. A banda foi nomeada para um Grammy este ano na categoria de Melhor Performance de Hard Rock ou Metal com a música "I'm Alive" e está "considerando muitas opções de peso para substituir Cagianno".
O grupo também afirmou em um comunicado oficial em seu site que a saída do guitarrista foi amigável.
"Rob tem sido parte integrante do Anthrax por tantos anos como nosso guitarrista, em sua capacidade de produção, mas acima de tudo, como nosso amigo próximo. Suas contribuições para a banda tem sido enormes. Enquanto estamos tristes que ele está saindo, nós desejamos a ele muito sucesso".
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 7:31 AM 0 comentários
4 de jan. de 2013
Feliz 2013 \\ Anthrax e Testament: apresentação conjunta no Brasil em maio
Julio Viseu, da Rádio & TV Corsario, anunciou pelo Twitter um show conjunto das bandas Anthrax e Testament no dia 15 de maio no HSBC Hall, em São Paulo. A produtora foi responsável, entre outros, pelo mais recente show do Megadeth em São Paulo.
FELIZ 2013 \\ Accept: lenda do Metal se apresenta no Brasil em abril
"Stanlingrad", lançado no ano passado pela gravadora Nuclear Blast, é o sucessor do aclamado álbum de retorno, "Blood Of The Nations" (2010), e traz a fórmula que consagrou o Accept, unindo peso, agressividade e melodia. Mesmo sem gravar algo inédito desde "Predator" (1996), os dois mais recentes trabalhos de estúdio gravados por Mark Tornillo (vocal), Wolf Hoffmann (guitarra), Herman Frank (guitarra), Peter Baltes (baixo) e Stefan Schwarzmann (bateria) têm tudo para permanecer ao lado de obras definitivas como "Breaker" (1981), "Restless And Wild" (1982), "Balls To The Wall" (1983) e "Metal Heart" (1985). Em seus shows, o grupo apresenta, além de músicas recentes, os grandes clássicos gravados na fase com o vocalista Udo Dirkschneider.
Serviço - Accept:
Data: 06/04/2013
Local: A Seringueira
Endereço: Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 694, São Paulo (SP)
Informações sobre vendas de ingresso e serviço completo do show serão divulgadas na quarta-feira, dia 09 de janeiro.
Realização: 8X8 Live
Sites relacionados:
Tweet Postado por Diário do Rock às 9:27 AM 0 comentários
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