www.diariodorock.com.br: CHICKS\\ MÖTLEY CRÜE Featured In KIA's Male-Fantasy Super Bowl Ad
"Satan laughs as you eternally rot!"

25 de jan. de 2012

CHICKS\\ MÖTLEY CRÜE Featured In KIA's Male-Fantasy Super Bowl Ad

Automaker Kia has enlisted rockers MÖTLEY CRÜE, supermodel Adriana Lima and mixed martial arts fighter Chuck Liddell for its 60-second ad called "Drive The Dream" for the Kia Optima Limited.

Kia's Super Bowl XLVI ad will premiere on February 2 on over 18,000 movie screens, while the company will also run 15-seconds teasers with Adriana Lima on TV and in cinema from January 27.

According to USA Today, the idea for the ad is one man's fondest dream.

"As we're dreaming at night, our true desires come out," says Michael Sprague, Kia Motors America head of marketing and communications.

The ad features Lima waving the checkered flag at a speedway, a MÖTLEY CRÜE concert, Chuck Liddell battling in the ring, a heroine and hunk on horseback in a romance novel setting, champion bull rider Judd Leffew taming a bucking rhinoceros, with the ending bringing a fairy tale atmosphere. Sprague calls it "the ultimate man's dream" yet is quick to add "but it's not offensive to women, either."

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