www.diariodorock.com.br: Premiere\\ STATIC-X Frontman's 'Assassins Of Youth' Video Released
"Satan laughs as you eternally rot!"

7 de set. de 2011

Premiere\\ STATIC-X Frontman's 'Assassins Of Youth' Video Released

"Assassins Of Youth", the new video from STATIC-X frontman Wayne Static, can be viewed below. The song comes off Static's first solo album, "Pighammer", which will be released on October 4 via Dirthouse Records.

According to a press release, "Pighammer" "has a disarming raw quality of heavy driving guitar riffs and lyrics that will take hold of your bowels and into the mind of Static's dark past and warped mind. This is blatant, as the first single, 'Assassins Of Youth', was inspired by Wayne Static's last days of drugs and partying.

"I wrote this song while living in a hotel room, listening to PINK FLOYD, drinking Crown and doing whippits," explains Static. "I started the song in that condition but never finished it until years later after dumping off the drugs. Now the song has a whole new meaning from when I started it."

"Assassins Of Youth" is an old-school term for drugs. The first verse is about doing drugs, the chorus is going dry and the second chorus is about getting off and no longer being slave to the drugs.

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