www.diariodorock.com.br: Traduza\\ MIKE PORTNOY To Tour With AVENGED SEVENFOLD Throughout 2010
"Satan laughs as you eternally rot!"

5 de mai. de 2010

Traduza\\ MIKE PORTNOY To Tour With AVENGED SEVENFOLD Throughout 2010

DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy has confirmed that he will sit behind the kit for AVENGED SEVENFOLD for all of the band's upcoming tour dates through the end of 2010.

Commented Portnoy in a statement: "After having had such an amazing experience recording my drum tracks for the new AVENGED SEVENFOLD album, we all knew it would be awesome if I'd be able to do some touring with the band after its release...

"I am happy to say that the timing worked out perfectly that my touring cycle with DREAM THEATER (and TRANSATLANTIC) was coming to an end just as AVENGED SEVENFOLD's was scheduled begin! (Well, perfect for everyone except my poor family!) : )

"Although I wish I could stay on board with AVENGED SEVENFOLD in a more permanent capacity, the reality is that I am commited to DREAM THEATER as my main priority (that is my baby afterall!), and I will need to resume work with DREAM THEATER to start a new album at some point in 2011. However, I will be able to join my brothers in AVENGED SEVENFOLD for at least the duration of their touring throughout 2010...and hopefully this will give them the time to continue to heal and get comfortable back on the road.

"You can look at me like the band's 'rebound drummer' to buy them some time until they are comfortable and ready to make a commitment to somebody new for full-time relationship in their future!

"In the meantime, I am real excited to hit the road with the boys...to bring my drumming from their new album to life on stage and to honor [late AVENGED SEVEFOLD drummer] The Rev with all of their older material....

"Hey, do I get to have a cool, bad-ass stage name now??? : )"

AVENGED SEVENFOLD recently finished recording its fifth album for a late 2010 release. Guitarist Zacky Vengeance wrote on the band's official Twitter profile, "There are no words that will ever describe the feeling of listening to this album while driving home alone at 4 a.m." The group's manager, Larry Jacobson, added, [The record is] almost done, not mixed. [It contains] some of my favorite [AVENGED SEVENFOLD] songs ever."

Portnoy laid down the drum tracks for the new AVENGED SEVENFOLD CD following the passing of the band's longtime drummer James "The Rev" Sullivan.

Portnoy previously stated about being tapped to work with AVENGED SEVENFOLD on the band's new album, "Even under normal circumstances, I would've been happy to help the guys out in any way I could as I think AVENGED SEVENFOLD are a great band...but under these incredibly sad and tragic circumstances, I must say I am truly honored to have been asked to play with them and I didn't even have to think twice about saying 'yes.'"

Portnoy added, "These guys are a true family and it is an incredibly emotional experience to be here with them for the first time without their lost brother. But they have welcomed me into the family with open arms and there's a real excitement to make the record they had set out to make."

Portnoy also said, "I am treating my participation on this album with the utmost respect for Jimmy's memory and am remaining as true as possible to the drum parts that he wrote for the songs and the record he wanted to make."

AVENGED SEVENFOLD announced Portnoy's participation in their fifth album on February 17, calling him Sullivan's "all-time favorite drummer. "

Sullivan was found dead at his Huntington Beach, California home on December 28, 2009. The cause of death has not yet been announced.

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